TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

Lads, am I missing any of you cunts?

A few lads are going to throw up times tomorrow and that’s fine. It’s done then

I’ve to run with ed tomorrow, so I’ll have to do a steady few km, then I’ll go hard. It should be obvious which bit is my 5k effort. I hope this is acceptable. I’ll update tomorrow.

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I’ll head out tomorrow evening too.

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You left out the fast Wexford lad

I’m running tomorrow :smiley:

What about the charity donation, is this happening? Otherwise I’ll just donate to the @RaymondCrotty fund

No donations necessary this time mate.

The best of the 25’ brigade :muscle:

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You’ve been running 2 years now … that’s an awful time. You should be mortified.

Sorry mate. Leg is still fucked. My sub 35 5k is a pipe dream

Morning @Wonkly_toe. Cc @Locke

To my even greater shame I’m running 7 years, mate. Have to work on my speed. Can truck along for distance no problem.

Half killed me :grimacing:
I doubt I’ll ever go faster, though we did 4750m running up river.
I brought my phone ready to Strava, but Matt (not the developer) said he had it on his watch. I thought I might run better without holding the phone.
We ran about 3k to warm up I think. Then I said to aim for 445/km and see could we hold on, and the animal did this :grimacing:

Cc @Locke

I hereby name you
Until the next day.


Fair going !!

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One session a week will bring you on tonnes.

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Didn’t know if I’d enter as never ran a straight timed 5k before. Just under 24 mins I think, was aiming for 25 so happy out. Was a fierce flat run though. Had some headache for the last km!


Looks like 65 seconds taken off the 25 minutes by time you got to 5km so marking this as 23’55 if that’s ok mate ?

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well fuck you too


Marty’s max HR is 160 despite him being 30 🤷
I suspect I was at my max for twenty mins. Felt like death after.