TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

While I set that up nicely, he was the curtain twitcher that outed Fenway the last time, the Kilkenny rat

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I’m on holidays this weekend, i won’t get this down until Tuesday or Wednesday

On the Killowen for a post race treat @Mac

A lot of excuses in that post

I just need to accept that I’m never going to break that magical 25-minute barrier again.

I believe you will, my friend. Two months until the next 5km

is there somewhere we donate to or what?

No pal. No need for any donations this time, but if you’d like to make your own private donation to a charity of your choice, fire away.

A lad up here, who I’ve cycled with occasionally, is cycling Mazin to Milen for a brilliant respite centre for kids with autism up here, so I threw a donation his way the other day to cover this.

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Hey, I’m not imperial!

I can spot a John Bull Brit a mile away

I’ll donate to a few lads from Tipp doing M2M for Tipp DSI. They’re a great DSI branch, have to give credit where it’s due. On the TdeM there’s one lady who is there with her family on top of the Vee and tells me to clear off when I go over the summit :upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Have you logged your time?

You’re flying it, you’ll be under 18 before me at the rate your times are dropping.

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Achey achilles, tight calves and a few cans last night weren’t going to deter me. I never trust my watch so usually go on an extra 100m or so. Strava is giving me a 5km PB so I’m taking that. Nothing like a bit of competition with internet weirdos to spur you on :joy:


I’ve given that two likes.

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Get into the TFK Strava group. You can analyse the best cycling routes in Poland or the best running routes in Cambodia.

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That’s superb :clap::clap:
Some huge progress being made here by quite a few lads,
It’s true what you say, I never thought I could run fast outside of race conditions and I couldn’t give a shot about people who see my Strava but I was able to push myself yesterday with the thoughts of putting a good time up here


You might say this place can be toxic but it’s good for the soul in many other ways.

And let’s just say I was selective with my route to leave me with a downhill finish :joy:

You’ll all be fucked in 6 weeks when trying to improve - marginal gains… I’ll rocket in from 28 mins to 24 mins

Sure normally I’d be training and running a few races and park runs over the summer, all I’m doing now is easy runs with the odd time trial for here