TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

I think 1 minute 18 seconds would be a more appropriate punishment

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Unrale… Not sure I’ll top that.

Monday is fine mate :+1:

22’30ish here for the 5km. I’m ok with that. probably as fast as I’ve run this year , but would really hope to knock more time off it next time. got absolutely soaked. Will sync to Strava and add data here when the father in law (laptop is in spare room) gets out of bed, the lazy Limerick cunt


Great call to leave that extra 0.05kms in the tank. I have a feeling you will be really able to open up the legs when it comes to the real deal.

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Just looked at the forecast for tomorrow, I need to find a route that i can run straight west to east.

what’s the forecast?

Sweltering heat (from West to East)

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Bollix - I’ve gotten this wrong … I might go off this evening so… Us power runners prefer cooler weather.

What time did @Wexford1996 record the last day for 5k??

around 18:03

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18.09 - he actually did 5 km though and not 4.98897 km as submitted above.

Be mainly dry but strong winds from the west, similar to last weekend.

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Not a submitted time …

A prep run … You never, ever run the full distance pre race… as you said yourself, that .05 of a km will really stand to me

The committee has ruled that while it is against imperialism in all forms, particularly its antiquated measuring system, that @fenwaypark’s time will stand on the leaderboard at 18’45 (the pace for a 6’02/mile average pace). At the moment, no penalty has been added. Any complaints can be pm’ed to @locke.

@fenwaypark will be receiving an official sanction prior to the next event.

They say it’s a game of inches - that 433.85 inches held in reserve could make a big, big difference on The Day.

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I run in miles, simple as that

I run in runners.

I should have known an imperial protestant would be behind it.

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