TFK - The Future

They use facial recognition technology in certain regions of China as a way of controlling groups like Uighurs. They have the system in malls, public spaces, attractions etc and if someone on thed watchlist tries to enter the area alarms go off and they are approached by security. The same will be used to restrict travel etc.

They are basically prisoners without the need to lock them in jail.

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It’s gas. 40 years ago these people were shuffling around in little black suits farming rice in paddy fields and almost overnight they’ve developed the most technologically advanced society and they all shop in Louis Vuitton

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That’s the great thing about living in Ireland. The government are too incompetent to ever manage anything like that. The leap card is being phased out by 2027 so that people can use their bank cards :joy: imagine them trying to implement a facial recognition payment system


Sure we still use pencils to vote.


I suppose it helps if you have the capability to plunder the IP of every other country.

Well if we don’t want workers right or even basic human rights we can go the same way.

I was talking to a fella last night who spent some time in Beijing last year studying. The vending machines in the university worked on facial recognition, you smiled to pay. If you jay walked, you would get a message on WeChat within 20 minutes telling you that you committed an offence and informing you of the fine, which had already been deducted from your account.

WeChat is used for literally everything so you are utterly reliant on it. He was suspended from it for a time and found he couldn’t do anything, all communication and payments are made through it and as you mentioned you have to be verified by a third party. They are already living in a dystopian sci fi future.


@Juhniallio will be the trojan horse for Ireland’s dystopian future I suppose

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They can stop you buying rail tickets etc or limit it for a period depending on your misdemeanour

A social credit system

It’s an amazing technological achievement really considering they all look the same.


I was in a McDonalds in Beijing, fully embracing Chinese cuisine, one morning. I was hungover to bits so deciding that, rather than engage with the Chinaman behind the counter and try to get him to understand me, I ordered off of one of the machines. I got to the end and produced my credit card only to be presented with a screen asking me for my WeChat code in order to proceed.

Ended up having to engage with a Chinaman


Nope. Didn’t happen

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The Chinese are extremely odd people even allowing for cultural differences.

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TDH. I was there too. We did Beijing very badly.

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Why do you always see the worst in everyone? Be kinder you hook nosed weirdo

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Old rating, dumb rating, typical @mac post rating.


I could have sorted yis out royally lads but ye were too proud to ask. Cc @Batigol @PhattPike

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FFS sake, if only we’d known. We had to make do with nightly treks (@Batigol doesn’t do public transport, and definitely not in China) to Paddy O’Shea’s Irish Pub for creamy pints of Carlsbery.


Have they been beaten by the Chinese or is this a sign that times are changing away from facial recognition?