TFK Virtual Run Series Event 4: How High Can You Go? the Vertical Challenge

Ye know the score - log your data by the end of the weekend (give or take a few days)

Guidelines below:

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Hoping to go out in the morning. Could do as little as 250 or as much as 600/650. Just going to go on feel.

Did my effort this morning. Visibility was absolutely shite up high so that ruled out one big climb I was hoping to fire in. Mixture of forest fire road, mtb trails, an actual stretch of road road (up and down, yuck) and open mountain. Slow enough moving but it gives ye something to chase over the weekend elevation wise



So is it your average pace I need to beat or how do I beat you?!

Elevation gain

Elevation gain mate. Read post 1.

Fuck it. I should have held off til Sunday to stick this up. You’re gonna go out and bate me now

Jaysus, I’ll never beat that with the hills around me. I’d need to go up it 3 times I’d say :joy:

You have 3 penalties right?

For what?

Overall pace rather than split. My apologies.

Ah get ya now! Sorry, I could have made that clearer too!

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My first climb was up to the mast. Didn’t go the route before that I picked. Keep going ‘where is the fucking thing?’. I can usually see it from my house 15km away. Had to wait until it was right beside me (10 metres) before it was as visible today .

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How does strava calculate elevation gain exactly? - do you lose it if you have to come down to go back up again?

Nope. It’s the total amount you’ve gained. Sure you’ve got to come back down

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You can stop the clock before coming sown kid — that’s fair enough, just checking…

You don’t need to stop the clock. It’ll just give you the elevation gain even if you go down further than what you went up.

I’ll do a small run in solidarity with my brothers but the recent rain and lack of trail runners will be a challenge


Good man. You’ll have a battle with @fran. He’s a good man for the hills.

Jesus, you’re some prick for posting that on a Friday, my quads are still fucked from Tuesday,

I’ll be having nightmares now thinking of Sunday morning