TFK Xmas Party 2009

Probably should have asked that then, your original question was simply whether or not there were any going.

Someone else set up a jolly roll-call thread, I set up the last one but I then failed to show so :popcorn:


You went to some absolute tossers house warming if memory serves me well.:smiley:

[FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]Thinly veiled “I should have stayed at the tfk do instead of going to the housewarming, which turned out to be a sausage fest” :smiley:

Flano and Soul leaving the party last year was tough to take, but then we all got smashed, told everyone that Farmer was a detective and then went to coppers and got twisted.

TFKY2K09 will be a belter.

Yours etc,