TFK Xmas Party 2009

Impressive equation there GSH.

What date is it again? I need to add this to my calender.

[quote=“Flano”]Impressive equation there GSH.

What date is it again? I need to add this to my calender.[/quote]
4 earth weeks.
27th November.
Once again, I reiterate that I will not speak to anyone with a moustache.
My plan is:

13:00 November 27th - Arrive to work, tell people I was in at 6 and busy till 12 and then nipped out to give blood and I’m back for 13:00

15:00 Go for a second lunch

16:00 Lose my shirt and jumper and jeans combo so I don’t clash with Rocko and get some party gear on.

16:04 Leave the office for some quiet pints close to the final location.

18:00 Arrive to the applause of my peers.

19:00 Ask for the applause to stop

24:00 Coppers

Then, same as last year I plan to leave at 03:30 only to come back again a half hour later.

then home.

Tell Mrs.GSH that I had to work late and someone spilled beer on me while I was waiting in the taxi queue.

05:00 fart
05:01 giggle
05:02 sleep

Yours in plans,

We now need a location for said event.

While Kehoes has proven itself as an impressive host of jamborees it’s not really suitable for a Christmas Party venue.

I’ve had to resign from the planning committee this year due to commitments in the far east during the organising stages but I’ll accept the decisions of that committee without complaint (within reason).

I’ve already made lunch plans for the 27th when I intend to meet Bandage and Cesc4 for a hearty meal at 12:40 to prepare for the night ahead.

[quote=“Rocko”]While Kehoes has proven itself as an impressive host of jamborees it’s not really suitable for a Christmas Party venue.

I’ve had to resign from the planning committee this year due to commitments in the far east during the organising stages but I’ll accept the decisions of that committee without complaint (within reason).

I’ve already made lunch plans for the 27th when I intend to meet Bandage and Cesc4 for a hearty meal at 12:40 to prepare for the night ahead.[/quote]
Kehoes is out for sure. Good for summer. Not good for winter/groups.
I like D2 for space/food/beer/proximity to coppers/proximity to Harcourt street garda station.

Should we get a poll on this, but only have 1 option. D2.

Yours etc,

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]4 weeks to go to the TFKY1K+(40.36*25) party.
I’m not talking to anyone with a moustache.

Yours etc,

What about someone with a tash but also a beard?

You trying to set him up with your mother?

Up banter.

I think you’d get a job quicker if you were clean shaven.

I’ve considered it. Took off the thumb ring in my last one for the first time. Shaving is the next step. 2 interviews on Monday so I’ll consider it. The problem is if I get a job I’ll want to grow it back which means I’ll have to go through the rotten early stages of beard growth which might not go down too well.

Did you do the interview looking like a gorilla or a human?
The only reason to grow a beard is if you have some sort of weird birthmark on your face which looks like Brendan O’Connor.
Yours etc,

Do we need a new poll to decide the venue?

D2 is a great venue for an event of this size. Big open floor and a great smoking area. This seems to be the front runner.

What do you reckon GSH?

It’s going to be D2.

Just leave it at that.

I’ll have to check with that how’r’ya bird from last year to see if she’ll attend. Think I have her number somewhere.

I’ll be sticking around for the duration this year anyway. Liven up proceedings a bit.

We are multi-millionaries. We’ll buy this place and fire you immediately.

Yeah, that’s right, we’ll buy this place and install a fucking juke-box and liven all you stiffs up a bit.

Any Muldoons going to this?

There are always muldoons at it.

[FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]D2 could be a good shout alright, always jammers this time of year

I’d like to know exactly what Muldoons are going

There will be plenty of doons in D2 regardless of whether they’re with us or not:clap:

Ah it was grand last year Sledge, well up until I left anyway.