In chuck cheers
The first challenge of my commissioning career.
@fistoffury you’re out.
@Special_Olympiakos you’re in.
Decisive Commissioner-ing
I need you to PM me your email addresses and I’ll get the invites sent out.
You have to pay for MFL.
Sleeper might be better option.
Think you can get basic leagues for free on MFL. Heard mixed reviews about Sleeper.
Need email addresses. Invites will be going out first thing in the morning.
Please standby.
While browsing the sleeper app yesterday I signed up for a new dynasty league which is for players on this side of the Atlantic, it’s filling up far too slowly for my liking, it’s a 14 team superflex, tight end premium I think, all will be explained
Anybody interested let me know, dynasty is the best way to play fantasy, different class
Kid…ive hoovered up the free folk already. There’s one spot left thst @Copper_pipe hasnt taken yet…sleeper.
I’ll take it, when are ye drafting?
You’re in.
Send me the invite
That invite was pending for 2 months…
Any spots left?
Ye kept that quiet?
No. Sorry — top of list if any pull out.
Much obliged.
@croppy_boy is more than welcome to take my spot, Choco. The time and motivation is becoming harder to find these days so the slot would be wasted on me.
P.S. Happy to hear your news earlier