TFKNFL Dynasty Experience

Thank you Sir!

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You’re welcome croppy. Let me know if I need to delete my team, or anything, @anon61878697

I fucked you out 3 milliseconds after you posted - you bollix of a man.

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Hahaha, thanks for the invite you fucker

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No problem kid … better to pull out now than post draft… I was looking forward to destroying you - i’ll have to make do with croppy now.

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remove yourself from the PM @Jimmy_Mc_Nulty


Think you may need to boot me out of the PM’s, Choco, there doesn’t appear to be an option to leave.

Try the add / remove button and an x should appear next to your name ? - I cant remove you

What have I missed? Has Mouse set up another league?

No doubt it’ll be rolled out as the reason why he shits his pants again next season as he’s ‘distracted’ with too many leagues.


Excuse me? I made it to the championship game last year and was very narrowly beaten by @fran and all with no running backs---- an unbelievable achievement … Remind me, who did I beat in the wild card round again???

Is this the one where he threw a tantrum every few weeks and threatened to leave? Or does that happen in all the leagues he’s in??

looks like I destroyed a raft of lads last year. Rent free etc. etc

Have you paid my entry fee yet?

I’ve dropped out of that league mate .

Fucking treacherous cunt

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Looks like he’s filled it with cannon fodder, he might have a chance of winning this one

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Im looking forward to when he suggests promotion/relegation again and it has to be spelled out. Again.


I’m in the dark here

He’s turned his back on us