TFKNFLFFL 2020 - Group 1 - fistoffury memorial cup 🐐

youre playing @the_man_himself and tourettes

ill need a big uptick in form after last weeks shamble: 46 points from 3 players on thursday, no QB, a further 27 points in total form the 7 other players, QB included :face_vomiting:

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Fuck that, chucks. You go beat what is put in front of you and the army has conquered it’s way to 11-2

be some sickener to have that kind of regular season record and not win it ourright…

:grinning: We’ll see

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Agreed, your defense has done remarkably well to limit the opposition thus far.


shaping up for a cracking last weekend with 3 playoff berths to be decided

@fran Vs @Chucks_Nwoko

and Ojsbills Vs @maroonandwhite

Oh My God Reaction GIF by The Office


I have crunch match-ups against @Chucks_Nwoko in 2 different leagues next week. It’s like Liverpool v Arsenal to win the league all those years ago, played simultaneously with Liverpool v Arsenal to win the league all those years ago in a parallel universe


I won’t decide if I’m taking this league seriously until Week 16, at the earliest. Stay tuned.

I fell off the proverbial cliff over the last month

Oh jaysus, the joe player as well. Shit just got real.

wouldve been a tight enough matchup had josh and the cowboys not had superstar weekends. still a lot of scenarios for who makes the final playoff slot. does H2h or score decide?

and if the chips fall, there’s a possibility you could be playing each other in the playoff

The fans are the real winners here

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1 a piece it appears in two relatively dour chess matches. We both clearly put a lot of work into our defense selection this week.

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Defenses win Leagues

Some garbage on display from all my teams this week, In truth I enjoy the earlier parts of the season more. The playoffs seem to be more of a slog, particularly this year with all the covid knocking about

@maroonandwhite could beat me this week dependant on how stafford and maclaurin play. his prize for beating me will be a playoff with CCHA and it means another match between me and @Chucks_Nwoko where the score for the season is one a piece

I’ve come to the realisation that I enjoy the wheeling and dealing far more than winning games, I’ve pretty much switched off now

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thinly veiled “i didnt make the playoffs in any of the leagues im in”