TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

A Guard would certainly be suspended in a similar scenario and would not be back if convicted

He wasn’t a guard.

I dislike Slimy Harris immensely. But that’s a bit of a reach now in fairness :joy:

It’s hardly unrealistic one of the absolute fucking loons out there emboldened at the minute would do it

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I am aware. I’m merely saying in a similar scenario a Guard would not be working until the case was heard

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By god, every now and then you get a view through a post on here to the true heart of darkness of a fella

Was it for this Kathleen?

Id expect nothing less from Harris.

He’s a weasel and very dangerous.

You seem very upset by the suggestion.


The right wing crowd seems to be moving with the acceptability window, if still trailing it as much as possible. I see a lot of the stuff online now is the LGB crowd are grand it’s just the trans crowd are the problem.

They are taking their lead right from the American head bangers that trans people are all trying to groom kids.

Same as they used to say about gay people

Violence against women is a fetish for the entirety of the Irish far right.

To take the attention away from the migration pact bill. A complete false flag

Rosanna Davison’s failed comedian brother in law openly trying to justify a bomb threat against the Taoiseach.

But apparently it was a hoax or something. :rollseyes:

You’re getting all edgy again. Is the tipping in a bit of a slump?

I saw that Andy Quirke fella in a comment section under something else. What a fucking weirdo.

He’s one of the Dr Quirkeys slot machines crowd. I’d say he’s worth a few quid. Seems to be gone completely off the reservation

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I know who he is alright. Makes it’s all the weirdo. Millionaire cunt

He mustn’t be in line for any inheritance

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They were very cute sending bomb threat at this time knowing Siyo was still in the office working night and day, day and night.

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Drugs man, drugs. Open the mind they say.