TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

The collective brainlessness/virtue signalling of morons is tragic to watch. Head down. Netflix, scroll the phone. Be grand. No news, no stats. Side with the easy. Zero engagement with factual reporting. All playing out in front of you…

Are you still on this all the refugees are going to rape us & kill us & rape us a bit more buzz?

Give yourself a shake.


There are no winners in this long term. At all. Any side.How people are choosing to avoid this uncomfortable truth is beyond me.

Would you ever just fuck off somewhere else?

Go wash and put a new tampon in you hen’s shit of a man.

Ten likes.

I’m obviously in the wrong.

Very hard not to sound as aggressively condescending as another poster from here from an (allegedly) similar locale.

Nobody had any issue with people coming in and making a life for themselves after experiencing difficulty and shit circumstances. It’s been done and it was done well by the Irish State.

2023: We’ve gorged on being the best boy in the class (and exceeding ) in EU terms and national measurement because certain incumbent politicians wanted kudos longer term and don’t really give a fuck about Ireland (whatever Ireland is, or was)

They’re are some on here who laugh at the idea of protecting the old. I personally don’t get that, could be my age. The consequences of the last 12/18 months have changed things forever and there is no going back. Loads of people ask why is it only men travelling over from safe countries, we’ve the best welfare. And by law you can invite 20 of your family from Albania, Georgia, Somalia (no clause - just bring it).

Everyone laughs and slates talk like the above but we’re bringing in people who will never integrate with us and nor will their kids.

If you navel gaze too much then you’re a fool as well, like I am. This is a pan-european thing and there are bigger batman villians (no Limerick Villains - Buff). I’m really sad that the Ireland I knew my earlier years is gone and it’s happened so quickly.


And for the people who say it’s not that bad…

It’s worse. There are no Irish people walking around Dublin bar the jakeys robbing and beating up people.

You sound like you’ve about ten tampons up you.

Come out from under the bed.

Fuck off Sid with your typing. You’re an anarchist with no emotional attachment to any being except your own perceived victimhood.


There’s no glory in being right about the biggest sociological mistake that’s happened in our lifetimes. Unless you’re on the Nigerian Axe Gang payroll?

Not you BB. X

I’m already being paid handsomely by Klaus Schwab so I don’t need Nigerian money.

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Good for you. You big spoiled baby.

It’s all about you.


Stop being such a big girl’s blouse

10 years of this shit ahead because of emotionally underdeveloped people like you @Cheasty

And all the other guinea pig countries saying EVENTUALLY that it’s a bad idea.

The higher end kango stuff is covered interestingly in this worthwhile long read:

Higher end is admirable. To keep it local, Clonmel and Roscrea are finished as Irish towns. I’m sure you’ve friends there but their home towns are hollowed out. Not to return. Go beyond your left leanings. If people from there are saying that then is it not cause for concern.

In soccer parlance we’re 2 mins into the 90. Is there no longer term view from anyone?