TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

There is a monumental difference between the two. Stopping immigration, even illegal stuff, is like swimming against the tide but we urgently need to stop our current “tear up the passport and come in” stance. It’s making people traffickers an absolute fortune


Shut the fuck up, you racist delusional lowlife. The only failures in this exchange are your parents.

But the obsession and the fascination? Amusing. Panting and panting for a sliver of notice.

You’re a fat, depressed, lonely fuckwit, in your mid 50s and still living with your mother. You’re also the laughing stock of this forum. I remember at the start of the pandemic someone on here had to explain to you how a vaccine worked, you brain dead cunt. A 12 year old knows the concept but you didn’t.

Send on a cartoon pictures of a dog there, you’re doing great work altogether :clap:

Do not spare the clichés, anyhow. Can you not do better than the ‘living with mother’ scrape? I guess not. The stupid are terrible predictable.

Look, you are a brain dead fuckwit immersed in a cesspit of right wing fuckology, which you mistakenly think grants you a personality. Ye are all like dogs from bad breeding. Hence the cartoons.

Name a topic, there, and I will destroy you on it. We could start with '‘The psychological origins of right wing hatred’.

Dog and Glasses

I’ve done more for immigrants in this country than you’ll ever do. Mind you I doubt you do much other than drink and pick mushrooms. If there was work in the bed, I’d say you would sleep on the floor.

Do tell your great deeds, you lowlife prick. You are such a great success, boasting on the internet. We can see, so we can.

Or do not. I would prefer you departed back into the cesspit where your parents hatched you, since I have no interest in the likes of you. There are thousands of ye, crawling over every carrion topic.

But: I find it ever so amusing to see the obsession with my interests. You are so fuckin’ dumb you cannot even see the pantomime of your own self humiliation. If I started a column on hazelnuts in the Ulan Bator Bugle, you would immediately buy a subscription.

Careful now, you’re dealing with a higher level of intelligence here. I see he’s still rambling in the covid thread four years on.


Some comeback. You are some dumbo.

And Sweden, of course.

The pantomime of self humiliation indeed. Your level of self awareness is at the same level as your intellect.

But do tell us why we can just keep going on the way we are, that there is no such thing as a climate crisis, why fuckwits like you, whose level is spronging fodder to livestock, have a secret knowledge about sunspots.

And: anything on why you ended up a right wing fuckwit? A particular experience in school?


I didn’t bring up Sweden you moron, I highlighted how in your mid 50s you didn’t understand how a vaccine worked. Your plasterer auld lad probably has a greater scientific understanding than you.

Sesame Street Popcorn GIF by Muppet Wiki


I really must be a genius if this craic is the best a poisonous obsessed fuckwit – how does he know my father used to be a plasterer…? – can do. I understand perfectly well how a vaccine works. But even if I did not, so what. The question was about the implication of reinfection. There cannot be ‘herd immunity’ – in the sense broached here in 2020 by morons like you – if there is reinfection.

You are stupid and badnatured. And therefore you want simple ‘answers’. I get it.

But: keep going now. This stuff is desperate amusing. And interesting to find I am dealing with a creep as well as with a common or garden right wing fuckwit.

I suppose the obsession comes from the fact that fuckwits, inevitably, mix with other fuckwits.

Simpletons in Desert

Ref! Ref!

Please Wait One Minute GIF by ElevenSportsBE


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I do so find amusement in reducing certain people to this level of self humiliation. His version of ‘wit’ is copying me, like a dog and its master. And they cannot even see, bless them, what they are doing to themselves. Must all go back to childhood and being deprived of attention. I blame the parents.

Right wing fuckwits like this moron lose both ways, The situation, as they say, is a loop. They are badnatured and therefore find it hard to have meaningful conversations, because their idea of intelligence is suspicion. And they are stupid and therefore find it hard to find stimulation, outside of intense dislike and hatred.

I suppose there is a place in the world for people whose level is a sprong. Thank god they now can stay on the farm and no longer get sent to the priesthood, because we know what way such personalities tended to fall in that scenario.

Apologies, I never knew that was yourself. I googled fat headed drunk mushroom picker and that came up first. I’ll delete it if you want, just let me know.

Oh no, keep going. I love humiliating the self confidently stupid. Reminds of debating politics a few times with Unionist speakers in Oxford.

But: how does it feel to be humiliated by yourself? Do tell. Is it like sunburn? I have this great curiosity about stupidity, in the same way as I have this great curiosity about Antarctica.

Did your mother rub on lotion when you got sunburned as a youngster at this time of year? Or did she just let you go up to bed? Was that the start of the problem? Was the sunburn the start of your hatred towards the idea of climate change?

Tell us about Antarctica?

Farce nice spot. Was at a stag there in April. Really, really nice; great old pubs.