TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Not in Antarctica.

Now that I’d pay to see. The Oxford lads were highly amused no doubt at the foul-mouthed drunken paddy.

Dog with Intelligentsia

I’d say it was like the time the late great gerry anderson was promoted from radio ulster to radio 4. Absolute genius, joy and mayhem. But the tans just didn’t get it.

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Malarkey has the lads hopping like cheap sausages in a pan

Do cheap sausages hop in a pan? We’ve known one another for years, yet I know so little about your life…

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You’re my guy

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far be it for me to interject in some lovely volleying of abuse, but as much as everyone may know who malarkey is in real life and he doesnt particularly hide it, I still dont agree with posting pictures of other posters on here, no matter the context of it. @Ambrose_McNulty


Typical far-right tactics.

He’s an absolute poisonous cunt and plenty of times he has threatened people with doxxing. It’s well known who the fat cunt is so it’s not a doxxing. I’ll remove it anyway but the stupid cunt has quoted it himself.

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That’s not your call. Don’t post pictures of posters again.


yeah I dont disagree with that, but I’d still not think it right to post his mug.

as ye were.

posting pictures of Elisa from her socials is grand though is it? It’s important to know the boundaries


I presume Elisa posts them herself so its grand.

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but aren’t socials locked down to followers etc - I don’t have them so I don’t know - it’s not public is it?

it’s dead fucking weird anyway

I dunno mate. If people do anything dodgy the media go straight to their socials and publish anything they find. Presume that makes it ok.

still a weird thing to do here though.

The entire TFK obsession with a Limerick city councillor is a bit weird to be honest

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it’s a strange place here at the best of times. firing up her image in every argument wouldn’t go down well I’d say

'Tis a bit.