TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Yeah, because these people don’t exist :joy:

I saw that and thought it was a fairly transparent attempt by Niall to generate outrage/traffic/clicks. Tweet seemed almost chat gpt designed to annoy everyone. The wokies would be angry Niall told them to get a job and the woman hated foreigners. The far righties would hate that she didn’t work and turned down free houses.

Would the far right be harsh on the unemployed?

The near right wouldn’t be fans of them anyway

Belgium is now far right. Brussels has fallen we’re next

Belgian far right at it again.

Belgium is the new Sweden

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How many countries have decided to stop the madness imposed by the useless and unaccountable wankers in Brussels? Poland, Czechs, Hungary, Sweden, Denmark and ow Belgium. Not to worry according to the NGOs Ireland has unlimited capacity.

Godspeed lads.


Latvia Lithuania and Estonia dont fuck about anyway.

Bit of a misleading table isn’t it?

This doesn’t do mcentee any favours given the numbers above

The lads who graduated from the University of Facebook are looking for attention again.

Does that include lads who were handed a piece of paper and asked politely to leave?

The comments are shocking - can everyone please give a few euro to help Catherine get elected

Fundraiser by Catherine Joseph : Support My Election Campaign in Longford! (

Where is Longdord?

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you cant grasp that its a typo?

why are you so anxious about incorrect spelling/typos?

If I was running for election somewhere I’d insist on getting stuff like that right


She’s using it as a hashtag though mate. It wont work if spelt incorrectly. Unless its an attempted weird reverse ball hop for publicity? Which i doubt.