TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Would make sense, think that was earmarked to become a hotel but nothing seems to have happened.

Some nice code there for racist sentiments.

It’s gas that when presented with an actual respected international measurement of quality of life, youse lot throw the toys out of the pram when yis don’t like the results.

It’s perfectly in keeping with yisser paranoid, fever dream world view.

In fairness, there are examples on the other foot where immigration has driven success.

I’ve always liked the EU idea as theatrically we get a lot of the benefits of migration but also more cultural stability.


Actual data and reality supports my statements, not yours. Like always.

Japan and SK should open up the borders to get higher up the HDI :smiley:

Concoct whatever delusions you need to get by, mate.


It doesn’t, sure I posted up the actual data.

Let it flow, let it flow. Let it blossom, let it grow.

Scary times to be feeling guilty about promoting family values.

You’ll spend three days on a trolley waiting for admission to a ward bed in our public hospitals. That’s ok though, as we’re high up in the much vaunted ‘UN Human Development Index’ :+1:


Only dawning on the Democrats now.

Cheerleading the shouting down by a mob of a democratically elected representative who is a woman, the mask has long since slipped, mate.

Isn’t there like 10 million people living in New York City; a couple of dozen heckle AOC and @EmilioButragueno starts creaming himself

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I’d suggest you read up on the subject. Their own Mayor Eric Adams has said the current migration policy will destroy the city. They were absolutely all for it and NY was a city of sanctuary. Now it’s affecting them, they want to reverse it. Democrats will take a pummeling on this in NY so they have to do something.
As per AOC. I couldn’t care less what colour or creed she is, she’s an absolute fraud and lots of people bought it. She’s always talking down and sneering at people so good to see a bit of equity.

She’s only sneering at you because you’re a complete arsehole though.

We haven’t met yet, mate.

Thanks though.

Johnny Arse is mates with Jana Lunden

We need to bring back vaccine passes to lock these psychos out of society.

I was curious as to why tfk was so quiet today

The dirty Dubs assaulting a Kerryman is hardly new.



The lads roaring are like those dolls years ago where you pull the string and they repeat a series of stock phrases in a loop

Why are “Salt of the Earth” Dubliners racist scum?