TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

@maroonandwhite @binkybarnes ?

Michael could give two shits about what those gurriers think anyway.

He is a populist mate

He look rattled

Do you reckon? I thought he’d be happy enough to spiel away about it of a Wednesday when they are back next. He’d be tough as nails I’d have said. It would upset me though.

I don’t really know what a ‘salt of the earth dub’ is but i suspect you are talking about working class Dublin people. Damien Dempsey is one of them and these are his words and I concur with them.

Different tribes they are a feast for my eyes
Deep exotic languages, guttural and ancient
The knowledge and the strength of these brand new Irish
Will temper our country, invigorate our community


That’s him re-elected for another few years anyways.Yerra.

I don’t blame him for looking rattled, these are extremely dangerous bastards and one of these days a politician is going to be seriously hurt or worse by them.

It must be said that Healy Rae has played some part in enabling these scum, though others have been far worse in that regard, the likes of Sharon Keogan now trying to dissociate herself from them is grimly hilarious when she has egged them on constantly. What happened today is yet another demonstration that you should never enable these cunts in any way. It’s a mistake right of centre politics has made the world over, over and over and over again.


I literally couldn’t watch more than a minute of that but surely, the fucker who pushes the guard twice at the start could be arrested?

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Is MHR a dwarf?

What do you think happens next if one of the two lads decides on that course of action?

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Ah no I’m not blaming the guard, he’s in a no-win position. Just mad that lads feel enabled to do shit like that

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Discretion definitely the better part of valour in that scenario

Looks like the hate speech law needs to be fasttracked


Here’s “Ferg” and his friend Graham on Saturday:

No need. Plenty laws in the book already for that carry-on.

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Obviously yere not all bad. Are the far righties almost exclusively saltsters though? It seems that way


Except when it comes to criticising an admin for racism, you go very quiet all of a sudden you spoofer.

The absolute irony of West brits dubs having a go at immigrants though. I think they call it pulling the ladder up after them.

I don’t think they are. Justin Barrett is Cork, sharon keogan is meath, noel grealish is galway. These gowls are from everywhere unfortunately

Is there a same 200 that go to everything?

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