TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Be a grand night to have a few pints and take the car home in the Dublin suburbs


If it’s not burnt out


They were probably rounded up online by Far Right cunts but their modus operandi tonight isn’t politically or socially motivated

I’m sure people said the same about Kristallnacht. They were wrong.

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Scumbags encouraged by agitators though. They have been at this down in east wall and elsewhere all year.

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Paul Reynolds reassuring us on the news that the Army haven’t been deployed.

Authorities need to use every bit of social media proof going to weed these instigators out…

Whilst the cunts running riot tonight will by & large get away with their actions.

The Instigators need to be singled out, charged & dealt with.

Because the army aren’t police.

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It’s the same sort of cunts who demolished the Lidl during snow. Was that far right.

It’s scrotes who see a chance to do what scrotes do. The attack was a spark because the earlier protests were sneered at but it’s not far right anymore than the snow was far right.


Sorry sir. I just looking at unarmed police getting their heads battered in. That’s ok with you boss?

Buff Egan has entered the chat

His first name is missing an -oon.


I LOL’ed at that and hadn’t laughed all evening

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Doesn’t EU law say that they claim asylum at the first point of entry?

So the only asylum seekers we should take are when people from Britain or Iceland are fleeing persecution or civil war in those countries?

Brits already have free entry to live in Ireland so that would mean the only asylum seekers we could take are those fleeing persecution in Iceland.

Yeah. It’s become hugely problematic. But it’s not for Ukrainians though.

That is a great post.

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It doesn’t matter. Claiming asylum is a fundamental human right. As @Cheasty correctly pointed out, that’s totally unworkable and unfair.

But that doesn’t mean we have to let everyone in who destroys their passport. It incentivises human trafficking and puts already vulnerable people in debt to criminal organisations.

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