TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

It’s great craic seeing him consistently tying himself in knots. He’s adopted so many contradictory positions now I don’t think even he has a clue where he stands any more.

He claims to be pro-EU yet was on here celebrating far right anti-EU head the ball Geert Wilders’ party winning the most seats in the Dutch election.

Good thread covering some of how the far right online information space evolved yesterday:

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Any hassle tonight ?

The Katie Taylor fight will be no help and Munster v Leinster will tie up guards too

There are posters on this forum who called this guy a genius. In reality he’s an exceedingly stupid egomaniac who has one talent - that of self promotion - and is an asset stripping fascist.

My favourite type of Elon Musk video is where he’s asked a question from some shit interviewer who is there to fellate him, pauses as if he’s about to saying something extremely profound and then comes out with something so stupid and inane it would make an “Irish paytriot” Twitter account blush.

You’d want your head examined if you weren’t sporting a stab-proof vest into The Bridge (1859) tomorrow

1930s shibboleths are blinding lads

Yeah but it’ll be grand between half 12 and half 2 tomorrow. Use that 2 hour window to get in and out of town.

Roddy Murray Films, a responder to the tweets there, produces some quality work in fairness

surprised the fat wodgie didnt do more harm to the car. not the greatest look for dun laoghaire having that rabble walk a minute down the road from the drug clinic to “protest”

What about those of us who aren’t necessarily anti-immigrant (we need a certain amount), but who are anti bad immigrant? As the last 24 months have proven, there are dangerous people who have made Ireland home in the last decade. There are certainly enough welfare immigrants here to warrant a discussion. I acknowledge that most migrants are hard working and contribute to society. But we do need to have the discussion and weed out the bad ones.


You can’t have that discussion without being labelled far right or a racist. Putting people in camps and segregating them is not conducive to a healthy society. We’ve had immagration for a long time, and it’s been healthy, Polish people came here, Brazilians and Africans and have embedded in society. What’s happening now is creating segregation. People are coming and being isolated and that will create huge problems.


Elon Musk is"stupid". The richest man on planet earth is stupid and his one talent is “self promotion” :joy:

Coming from a leech of the state who still lives at home with his mother.

You epitomise every leftist who leeches off the state. Your angry at the world because your a nobody who has never achieved anything. For some reason this is everyone’s fault but your own.

Wealth doesn’t equate to intelligence. Musk is like a lot of highly successful people, sociopathic and extremely egotistical.

So Elon Musk must be a thick fuck then? :joy:

He’s clearly not thick. He’s also not necessarily a genius. Steve Jobs wasn’t a genius but made billions.

So what are you arguing with me about then?

Wealth equating to intelligence, you don’t have to be a genius to be rich.

Are you drunk or something? Where was I giving a lecture on the correlation between IQ and Wealth?

By the way you are wrong. There is a correlation.

I’m not drunk and you just used wikipedia as a source. That’s a checkout from me.


It isn’t me that has the anger problems because they’re a nobody, mate.

Also, for the second time, I don’t “leech off the state”.

But apparently you know more about my bank balance than I do.

Keep believing money equals intelligence if you want, but that way you stay stupid.