TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Do you want me to post you a copy of the book is it? :joy:

No it isn’t but when people are fleeing a war that’s sometimes what you have to do.

Nobody here has ever come up with any evidence to show immigration leads to increased crime.

The homicide rate in this country has more than halved in the last 17 years and that’s a consistent trend downwards.

The anti-immigrant people need to get out from under the bed.

How many migrants stabbed children in 2006?
How many migrants beheaded gay men in 2006?

Like all bigots, you confuse individual incidents with data.

We’ve lost our innocence as a country, an innocence that we had in, say, 1982, when Irish terrorists were in the middle of a murder campaign in which they slaughtered children and gay men in Dublin were hacked to death by angry men with views like you.

Such innocent times they were.

So you have to do what isn’t conducive to the health of your State? Why? Isn’t that the complete opposite of having a constitution and why we have States?

Why are we forced to do somerhing that makes our state less healthy?

Why aren’t ther 200k Palestinian people in ireland right now ?

A “bigot” is someone who doesn’t want to see children getting stabbed now.

Clearly you think no peaceful state should ever take on a burden in order to help a war-afflicted people.

Perhaps I’m naive, but I would hope and think that the majority of people do not think along such cruel and heartless lines.

If we wanted to improve the health of our state, one good way we could do it is by ruthlessly going after the scumbags spreading online hatred and lies against immigrants and refugees, and locking them up.

Some posters here would no doubt furiously object to that because their views are scarily close to the likes of racist pond scum like Aney Stokes.

The likes of you don’t give one fuck about the victims of the stabbing. None of the far right do.

The far right are desperately hoping that poor little girl dies because they want it to serve as a recruiting sergeant.

That’s why they spread lies online all day yesterday that the girl had died. Because they wanted to wreck Dublin and drive hard-working, law abiding immigrants out.

That’s why they regularly invent fake stories about fake crimes by immigrants. They lie.

The threat to this country doesn’t lie with immigrants and never has. The threat is people like you.

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If that burden leads to what we’re seeing in our state now, and the rise of the far right then no, it shouldn’t, the far right is a result of mass immigration, like we’ve seen after world war one, which lead to world war two.

Why aren’t there 200k Palestinians in Ireland right now? Answer that and I might have some respect for you

The problem isn’t the immigrants. The problem is the far right and the propaganda that is being spread. That’s our own problem. We need to deal with it, and we need to deal fucking hard with it.

Lots of people are angry. But angry people are very often angry for no good reason. If people arrive at a view based on irrationality, they can’t be convinced by rationality.

Have you been watching the news lately, even for one day?

Do me the courtesy of at least trying to answer the question, please?

If you had watched the news for even one day in the last six weeks you need to ask such a stupid question.

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No answer. Standard. Alright bud.


The alliance between the self styled “Irish patriots” and the worst of Loyalism and English white supremacism never fails to amuse, in the grimmest of ways.

That clown is a liar. Here’s the FT spreading far right propaganda, I suppose.

OK. So you haven’t watched the news once in the last six weeks. Good to have such informed posters here.

Paris is the capital of France, in case you had missed the news.

Scandinavia are having huge problems with race riots


Does more immigration lead to more violent and property crimes? A case study of 30 selected OECD countries

Why, in your opinion aren’t there 200k Palestinians getting international protection right now in ireland. I don’t want the news. I’m asking for your opinion

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