TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

We have hate speech laws. What do the new laws cover that isn’t covered here.

We’ve a tendency in Ireland to introduce new laws as a panacea rather than enforce existing laws.

Its an expansion on that law mate, a 30 second google gives a good explanation on it from the citizens advice website

All lies. You know what you posted. You’re a lying scumbag who hasn’t the balls to either stand over or apologise what for what you’ve posted. Pathetic little man.

Modern technology and modern ways of expression are what needs updating.

Will they pivot now and thank the perp for attempting to reduce the number of immigrants? Squaring all these circles must be quite difficult for mentallers. No wonder they’re so confused.

What’s that?

It covers distribution or transmission by any means already.

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You should reflect on why nobody in your life ever wanted you as a long term romantic partner even with that big civil service pension.

Williams is some tool. There are simpletons here who would agree with him.

Ah good. Lets leave those cunts in the Dáil to determine what you can and can’t say. Freedom of speech surely has to be one of the pillars of any democracy.

Probably that you can’t travel more than 3km from your house. A substantial meal at a minimum cost of €9.50 would probably address any residual problems.

Some tool is right. But at least he can hold down a job.

Have you ever apologized for your homophobic comments by the way?

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You’re a right nasty one,
I assume you’re an alt of that lad who’s been banned here under a few names, style is identical?

Of those asked about their position on Ukrainian refugees by Red C, the proportion of those who said they thought Ireland was taking in too many came from supporters of Independents (77 per cent) and Sinn Féin (72 per cent). Among Fine Gael supporters, 62 per cent said they thought Ireland was taking in too many Ukrainian refugees, while 56 per cent of Fianna Fáil voters did.

70 per cent of those living in Ulster/Connacht said they thought there were too many refugees, contrasting with just 55 per cent in Dublin. The rest of Leinster was 65 per cent while 62 per cent of Munster respondents supported the statement.

The same man made the assertion of me sexual abusing my own children yesterday so he can go fuck himself as far as I’m concerned.

He accused you for f sexually abusing your own children? I missed that, doesn’t sound like the kind of thing that would be tolerated here.

You are the same chap though?

A charming comparison with Josef Fritzl was mentioned. Quite the charmer for someone fishing for sympathy on here on the daily.

Seems to be the sort of thing that’s tolerated as the comment is still live as far as I’m aware.

This is my one and only account.

You’re making stuff up now. In fact it was yourself that called me a paedophile yesterday morning. About 11am yesterday it was.

Fairly standard accusation from the far right these days.

Mods seem to have deleted the post and my reply which quoted it.

You remind me a bit of that woman in Waterford shouting her head off the other night.