TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

There are a lot of lads here addicted to fear porn. You can see the classic hallmarks of addiction in them.

Gas cunt.

How many native skangers with multiple convictions are there roaming the streets who haven’t worked a day in there lives?

Are the reports of that attacker suffering mental issues due to a Brain tumour true?

Because we have our own scobes who don’t work and live life on the dole, we should then take every other countries scobes who don’t work also? Sounds like a sound economic policy

What good is it when mist of them are probably known to gardai and have tens of convictions


Not what I was discussing chief.

I was discussing the Attacker referenced by McGuirk.

You are not well.

Not everybody who doesn’t work is a ‘scobe’

Scobe was in reference to those who with “multiple convictions” in carryharrys post.

Alanis Morrisette fan?

Deflecting. No surprise in that response from a weak coward like yourself. Not to add, being a sick fucker to reference sexual abusing someones own kids too.

Still angry and still lying, yes?

You are one sick fucker.

You’re the only person that keeps talking about the sexual abuse of children. You seem absolutely determined to keep referencing it. For no reason at all.

Fackin’ immigrants, comin’ over ‘ere and savin’ children’s lives.

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It is a disgrace, SICK even, that people would POLITICISE this by framing immigrants as human beings, as people who shouldn’t have to suffer generalised mindless hate filled propaganda and intimidation.

For shame.

These people are NOT WELL.

If we had more lads like Leo who contribute to society and less depraved, welfare Marxist merchants like yourself Ireland would be a much better place.

What do native skangers have to do with a chap with a deportation order that was never enforced?

Why do all you lads talk as if you’re robots repeating slogans, completely incapable of any rational human thought? :grinning:

You don’t think someone who actually contributes to society, is worth more to society than someone who is unemployed, lives with their mother and randomly refers to others as sexually abusing their children?
You need to sign yourself in.

Any normal people reading can see exactly who “needs to sign themselves in”.