TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I presume it was never enforced because it was appealed and he subsequently got permission to remain as per Johnny Arse’s tweet?

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And, so what? We’ve no further details other than a unenforced deportation order and a later granted leave to remain. Maybe if deportation orders were enforced that might be a good thing? Maybe a system where there’s endless appeals are a bad thing? What do you think in this case?

Like yourself, I don’t know any of the specifics in relation to the man or the case (the only info floated so far seems to be Algerian native, Irish citizen, here 20 years, got brain tumour).

I’d imagine an appeal system is pretty much integral to any legal process.

If he got a DO that wasnt enforced and he got LTR on an appeal, you can bet your bottom dollar dept justice screwed up

Hey Art, know this is your field and I wouldn’t have a clue. You mean Justice screwed up with the DO in first place or screwed up with the LTR?

You don’t think “normal people” believe that those who actually contribute to society are worth more to society than someone who is unemployed, lives with their mother and just scrolls the internet all day randomly referring to other randomers sexually abusing their children?

They screwed up on the DO most likely by not following things to the letter. Another alternative is that so long lapsed after the DO that got LTR on the basis of establishing some form of roots here e.g. child or long term partner

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Thanks pal.

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Always a pleasure buddy

I guess we’ll wait and see the time and admin variance between the DO and the leave to remain. I imagine, like you’ve been imagining, you’ll have more mealy mouthed words.

I note the brain tumour detail being thrown in there like that a matters a jot.

That’s a hell of a sewer of batshit hatred you’ve got running there. One victim of it is undoubtedly yourself but the primary victims are undoubtedly any people unlucky enough to have to share a living space with you.

The only reason I inserted it is because it’s the only detail aside from him stabbing innocent people that has been revealed about him.

Art, who I’d reckon knows his onions on this stuff, has given some fairly clear possibilities on what happened with the deportation case.

Deflecting again it seems, but’s thats no surprise there.

Hatred would be a feeling most “normal people” would have for those who make disgusting and depraved comments about children alright.

I haven’t made any depraved comments. You’ve made several extremely depraved comments against me. I mean you literally called me a paedophile. I genuinely don’t think you’re well and it’s self evident that you’re completely out of your depth on a forum such as this because you seem to have no mode of debating other than robotic howling of meaningless buzzwords at best, and extreme personal abuse at worst.

It’s a long time since I’ve seen somebody make such a cunt of themselves here, though I doubt there was much effort involved, being a cunt is something that seems to come entirely naturally to you.

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Deflect again. The “poor me” routine it is now. You’re a sick individual.

That’s some laugh. Your whole act here is literally “poor me”. You definitely have some sort of paranoid delusion complex.

Please see a professional about that.

If Musky had any principles he would close his Irish Twitter operation in protest but too much money to be made I guess

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“This could literally happen to you”.

For fuck sake.