TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Senator, and youve compared every single person you dont like so godwin the fuck out of it. Have a pleasnat evening

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He walked himself into it, but he wants to expand it massively

What’s the evidence he bought it to make money? He’s run the thing into the ground. It’s not as if it was a great place as it was but it’s a much, much worse place now.

The rebrand has been a disaster. It looks shit, it is shit.

In my view Musk’s ego is so out of control that he genuinely thinks he can be lord and master of the universe and he bought it mainly for political influence and to help his political allies, who range from Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin to Xi Jinping to Benjamin Netanyahu to Mohammed Bin Salman. He has openly allied himself to a broad international pro-fascist front, which I think he was always allied to without saying. And I think all of those people were extremely delighted when he bought Twitter.

As somebody once said about the Antony deal, something stinks. This goes way beyond money and I don’t think money is a primary concern here at all.

Not everything has to tie neatly in with your overarching theory of the day

All my references to Hitler and the Nazis on this forum have been accurate. Meanwhile your mob spends your time branding anybody with pink hair as Nazis because they make youse feel deeply intimidated and inadequate.

It’s pretty demonstrable that Musk is allied to an international pro-fascism alliance and his main interest now seem to lie in that sort of international political influence sphere.

The great Sarah Kendzior has on many occasions called the Trump regime “a trans-national crime syndicate masquerading as a government”. She was entirely correct. But Trump was only one part and that alliance of despots reaches to Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, China, India etc.

Gaining control of the world’s most influential information platform and using it to benefit despotism worldwide was a snip.

One whole paragraph before you reached for a Trump comparison/analogy :yawning_face:

Twitter is a crock of shite since musk took over. Videos don’t play properly and the format is rubbish too.


I think these fascist mobs are going to be a real problem during the next General Election campaign, which isn’t too far away. European elections may or may not be before then.

“Fuck Palestine”

Once upon a time Mary Lou’s comrades were gunning down Gardai. I guess murdering Gardai is better than protesting against innocent kids getting stabbed. But then, with your recent comments about kids I cant see why you couldnt give a fuck them.

What’s your guys number, I might give him a shout. Did he advise you on trying to find a job yet?

You must feel pretty useless being in a country of full employment and still can’t be anything but a drain on resources.

You’re so useless that you have literally nothing to contribute here other than desperately following me around.

Or anywhere else, no doubt.

Bye now, you freak.

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What you’ve said about kids needs monitoring. You’re a twisted little man which deserves calling out.

Your bluster and big talk is a mask for your crippling insecurities. Funny how for someone who sees themselves as an expert in how the world should work, your own life, which you’re totally responsible for, is a complete mess.

Who is this burner account belonging to lads?

He’s rightly riled up by @Cheasty :joy:

Just accusing folk of sexually abusing their own kids is all that did it, which by the sounds of it you condone. Weird.

So if i had a video on my phone of sean finn laughing at clare or sheedy claping like a seal i could be arrested for hate against clare and tipp people? This country is fucked


Pippa cleaning house

I think hes onto something. Or on something more likey.