TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

“When one thinks about it, all law and all legislation is about the restriction of freedom. This is exactly what we are doing here. We are restricting freedom but we are doing it for the common good”

Her exact quote taken from the oireacteas site in case some twat thought i wad posting fake news

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I know several members of the Gardai that arent comfortable with it.

Its very reactionary. Do we need really to go down the road of dystopia because we’ve an incompetent minister for justice and Garda commissioner.

They want to put in legislation to shut down any sort of discourse now against them?

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whats that got to do with hate speech mate

Not denying what was said mate. The copy & paste or sharing of the link though….

Got it from


Who shared it there? Hitlers Fav Son?

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The Nazis at the ICCL have raised issues with facial recognition and hate speech laws

An embarrassing evening even by Art’s standards.


You’re talking about two completely different things like they’re one and the same.


They are two laws being fast tracked to deal with the “far right”. The ICCL and others have raised legitimate concerns with both facial recognition and proposed hate crime laws.

And right on cue its billy cheap dig. Hoping to get a dig in and not get noticed.


& Pauline is in favour of the hate speech laws but has concerns about facial recognition
Greens request sight of plan to expand facial recognition technology use – The Irish Times

The idea of competing freedoms is one of the most basic in political philosophy.

One person’s idea of freedom can be a severe imposition on another person’s freedom.

There is no such thing as absolute freedom, because that’s anarchy and nihilism.

The idea of libertarianism and the entire fake free speech propaganda campaign is and has always been to prioritise the freedom of bigots and the richest in society to exert tyranny. When these people talk about “protecting free speech”, they mean protecting hate speech.

Elon Musk has bought Twitter for the sole purpose of making it a sewer of hate speech. That’s why he’s taken such a peculiar interest in Ireland, because hate speech legislation threatens his political aims, which depend on hate speech.

You really need tp get out more pal. Too much INTERNET really isnt good for your mental health.

Ill leave you with that.


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Mate, you just compared a Green MEP to Hitler.

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Elon Musk bought Twitter to make money

There isn’t much evidence of that.

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This all looks very reactionary. My overarching point is laws rushed in on the back of events like last week have unintended consequences and once a freedom is given as Pauline will say for “the common good” it is gone for ever. The ICCL have argued that while hate crime laws are a good idea they need to be precisely defined so as not to overly encroach on freedom of expression.

For the lads who think it’s fine to rush through reactionary laws such as proposed have a read of the ECHR decision in Glukhin v Russia and think about the intrusion of facial recognition software and how it could be abused

I’m off to read Prophet Song and imagine @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy in a gulag

The whole change to “X” and wider aims passed you by?

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Elon bought twitter because his ego demanded it