TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Don’t forget our our bosom buddies the orange order. Quite the collection we are building

For what died the sons of Roisin, was it Twitter?

Tucker and Bannon are intellectual heaveyweights in the eyes of a few lads on here


being welded to one ideology or to political extreme on either side is very dangerous. The truth nearly always lays in the middle and the far left/ right just extort their version of it. I think middle of the road guys like us need to step up and stop the fringe elements from dictating the conversation. I’ll drop in for a pint in the new year and we’ll lay out a road map…


Freudian slip droping the fada?

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We’ll meet up in The Black Forge and get to work

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Finally Roscummon makes a contribution to the world and this is it

Was it Roscommon that was the only county to vote against the gay marriage ref a few years back?

Bannon’s ex wife is from Limerick

anyone know why mcentee has asked the policing authority to review the use of force by AGS? given that its the DPP who decide whether the force used was proportionate regarding possible prosecution of an offence

By god i just did a Google…

Hahaha! Surprising answer to your search…

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I won’t ask what i want to ask… Yes or no?

Not close but yeah. A colourful woman to say the least

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cc @Fran

By god.

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It’s an interesting enough article alright - some parts of our history I hadn’t heard before.

That being said I think he’s over-reaching a bit when he says “There are huge problems of social exclusion in Dublin’s north inner city. There are also genuine tensions in many parts of Ireland as the State struggles to cope with refugees and asylum seekers amidst a chronic housing crisis. But neither of these realities caused the riots. Fascists did.”

I would suggest that the states mishandling of various issues around housing, immigration etc has certainly given oxygen to the efforts of bad political actors to recruit supporters imho and contributed to a situation like last Thursday being possible.


Musk has made his choice. The so called “free speech” crusade is a transparently absurd sham, a fake.