TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Surely there has to be a case to answer first before DPP gets involved ? Policing authority are there to monitor the performance of the Gardai. So I presume whatever if any bad behaviour is identified then GSOC take up the individual cases and thereafter if necessary DPP get involved ? Wasn’t it on foot of GSOC that the lad pursuing the boys who died when car crashed into truck has gone to DPP

It’s merely suspended happens to all sorts more frequently than you might be aware.
Easily dealt with: Help on your suspended X account.

Funny how it happens to anti-fascist accounts and not any of the Irish far right.

The owner of Twitter is a supporter of the Irish far right, and the far right everywhere else.

Guaranteed Musk and Netanyahu discussed Ireland yesterday and how they can ramp up their propaganda campaign against the state.

Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon are now involved. The English far right press are involved.

This is a co-ordinated propaganda attack on our country.

Was at a conference on this today.

People who feel powerless are ripe to be manipulated by bad actors

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Stay strong @Horsebox


Theyve no legislative basis to do so. gsoc and policong body are separate organisations

A point I’ve made before is that while I have a good bit of time for certain individuals within People Before Profit etc., their politics promote a lack of agency in poorer communities. They say, “everything bad in your life is the result of Government policy, or the banks, or the Gardai”. They teach poorer communities to feel disempowered and angry. Everything is always the fault of the Government or the banks or the Gardai or “the system”.

But the enemy they portray feels too implacable, too undefeatable, and there just isn’t the genuine political interest or will in these communities to formulate a positive, genuinely constructive grass roots working class politics which is properly thought through. The feeling of powerlessness persists. It’s a cultivated feeling of powerlessness.

The far right also teach a lack of agency. They teach victimhood. They teach poorer communities that they are the ultimate victims. But whereas People Before Profit encourage people to kick up, at least loosely speaking, the far right scream at people to kick down.

The far right yells at poorer communities, yells at everybody really, that all of their problems are created by immigrants. Nobody likes a feeling of powerlessness. You create rage by telling lies which make people think they’ve been cheated, that they are being victimised. If you can create enough rage, you generate a mob mentality to target a vulnerable group you think you can bully into submission. That’s how fascist propaganda works. Tell people, “you are powerless, but by turning on a group who are even more powerless than you, you can gain a feeling of power, you will no longer be powerless”.

Targeting immigrants is so much easier than forming a constructive working class politics.

There’s a fake “kick upward” element to the far right too. Conspiracy theories. The gub’mint are portrayed as all powerful evil puppet masters. “Challenging” the centres of power seems so much easier when you don’t have to use a brain, and instead rely on pure, fantastical, mindless rage, which gets ragier and ragier as more and more lies are told, and more and more context is destroyed in favour of mindless, simplistic slogans. The preachers of slogans assume a messiah complex. This is why celebrity is such a good fit for fascism and why they are the most effective shouters of slogans.

Democracy has always relied on an informed populace. It isn’t just an electoral system. Education and solid and informed public debate is an integral part of it. The one thing the true monied elites, most especially in the UK and US, were always most afraid of was working class education.

The Murdochs and the Kochs and the Mercers etc. and the people they represent knew if they could use trash media to create a lumpenproletariat which acted against its own interests, they could rule forever. So that’s what they created. They created an artificial working class culture through trash media, where education and intellectualism were constantly sneered at, and material possessions and hedonistic highs were viewed as the height of aspiration. Working class solidarity was destroyed, trade unions were weakened or crushed.

That process gathered steam decades ago in the US and UK, and has got worse with every succeeding decade since the advent of tabloid media. Ireland was a laggard in this process, we didn’t really have the genuinely malign media barons who were out to thoroughly disinform the population like the UK and US had. But we’re catching up now, because technology has evolved into the globalised online environment we now have, and imported American and British right wing narratives increasingly find favour in Ireland. The internet suits the creation of a large cohort of people socialised into powerlessness, who reject education and reject thinking and who are thus ripe to be turned to the snake oil of fascism - which seduces by offering the desperate a fake feeling of power through kicking down.

In the UK and US, this fascism has found favour with wealthier audiences too, because it turned out many wealthier people were just susceptible to liked trash media, maybe even more so, and also liked to kick down, probably even more so, ie. they were just cunts.

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I’d give her one


Im fairness, it would make you a limerick supporter and by extension, a cunt!

That’s a formidable speech and it’s hard to argue with her. Sinn Fein definitely have tried to avoid mentioning the far right in their public utterances because they are playing both sides and a not insignificant section of their vote comes from people who, if they were in other countries, would vote far right.

I think there is going to be a reckoning for Sinn Fein quite soon as regards this sitting on the fence. As soon as they get off the fence - and they’re going to be forced to - because Sinn Fein candidates will very likely face vicious personal intimidation from fascists when they have to campaign for a General Election, they risk losing a chunk of their vote. That loss may be offset by a more middle Ireland type vote, but it will leave the ground clear for a far right party to emerge.

Fair would

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She looks deranged. Like that mammy scolding her son Robert for not studying a few years ago.

SF are most certainly playing both sides… I’ve called Mary Lou out as a fraud some 2 years now. Ahead of the curve as usual.

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That’s a massive possibility now it appears.

How such a party will be funded needs to be closely monitored

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Tbf, they came out to bat for Leo over the wknd in relation to Israel spokespersons comments.

They will be Muskovite-aligned.

No point in them damaging themselves in Ballybrack where they’d garner a lot of votes.

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No Legislative basis to do what ?

To do what mcentee is asking them to do

Good man Gilly!

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