TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

This from their website re functions

  • Reporting and providing advice to the Minister for Justice and Equality arising from the Authority’s functions and on request

Now square that with their functions, the request from mcentee and their statutory basis as set out in the act

Which was what exactly ?


“Members of An Garda Síochána need to have “absolute clarity” on what levels of force they can use when faced with rioting of the sort that took place in Dublin on Thursday night so they are not “looking over their shoulders,” the Minister for Justice has said.

Helen McEntee said on Tuesday morning gardaí are authorised to use force where it is appropriate but she would be asking the Policing Authority to provide greater clarity on the levels permitted in given situations as to provide reassurance to members of the force.

“I don’t want members of An Garda Síochána looking over their shoulders responding to these incidents where they feel that force is necessary,” said the Minister. “I want them to have the confidence to respond in the way that they deem appropriate.“

Ok. And where does it say that the policing authority are in a position to do that?

Oversight of Policing

The main function of the Policing Authority is to oversee the performance of the Garda Síochána in the provision of policing services. We do this in a number of ways, including by:

  • Approving the three year Garda Síochána Strategy Statement
  • Setting annual Policing Priorities and performance targets for the Garda Síochána
  • Approving the Annual Policing Plan
  • Holding monthly meetings with the Garda Commissioner, including meetings in public at least four times each year, which are live streamed and are available to broadcast by the media, as required by statute.
  • Building independent sources of evidence to assess performance through engagement with a broad range of stakeholders
  • Reviewing arrangements and mechanisms within the Garda Síochána for
    • Corporate governance
    • Recruitment, training and development
    • Performance measurement and accountability
    • Management and deployment of resources
  • Reporting and providing advice to the Minister for Justice and Equality arising from the Authority’s functions and on request

In 2016 the Authority developed a Code of Ethics for the Garda Síochána which sets standards of conduct and practice for members of the Garda Síochána.

Ouch, fooley being schooled here


Excellent copying and pasting there bit doesmt answer the question. They have no role here. Mcentee should be asking GSOC and the DPP

Great work Columbo ! Of course it’s copy and pasted .

Has Mcentee’s comments been misunderstood by the GRA president (who you are clearly piggybacking on to claim as your own observation :wink:)
Is GSOC not for complaints against Gardai ?

Mary Lou with a Tour de France in the Dail today. No doubt lapsed poster @chocolatemouse wished he still posted here so he could acclaim her political acumen

Sarah “politics junkie” McInerney needs to realise continually interrupting a guest does equal incisive questioning.

Thsts hate speech. Get him @glasagusban

Can’t we all just get along?

Or possibly on a cruelty to animals charge

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Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon and Elon Musk make Alan Partridge look knowledgeable about Ireland.

She’s a dose

Fascists going begging to the racist but globalist elite.

Of course there’s a mighty headbanger in that particular clip (Linehan)

Is he a head banger?