TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Far right FF
Third world attitude
Not acceptable
Yes those cunts rioting in Dublin need sorting
This whure needs to brought to heel going on like a loon
Chairman of Limerick Co council

The water in water cannons is heated :grinning:

Here’s what you might not know about ‘woke’ water cannons and their use in riots

Presumably that’s incitement to hatred/violence and this chap will be getting a knock on the door from the guards soon?

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Fairly standard right wing views I would have thought?

I don’t know. Just seems like it would fall under incitement to violence legislation

Maybe but I suppose the difference is there isn’t a frothing mob of Fianna Failers willing to take him at his word and he just ends up looking like a fool.

Whereas Conor McGregor actually does have a cretinous, frothing mob of followers willing to take him at his word.

So it’s the fault of the mob, really, and not the person who posts on Twitter?

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If you’re posting incitement to a mob it’s your fault.

If you’re posting incitement to people who look at you as if you have three heads, probably less so.

I mean Art Foley called for the execution of everybody in RTE but I don’t see him getting done for incitement.

@artfoley should be locked up. And shot

Mean Schitts Creek GIF by CBC


Will he fuck
That’ll be swept away under Ruc man Harris carpet
No way will he get anything done to him
One - his colour will save him
2 - his FF connections will sort it
3- woke fuckin Ireland :ireland: won’t allow it


RUC/ PSNI water canon to add insult to injury

Looks like they’re threatening to throw the source under the bus

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Some white Irish bird murders her two kids by setting the car on fire with them in it. No outrage from the TFK neo nazis…coz she isn’t fordeign, a darkie or a muslim.

Hurting or killin’ kids is only bad when it’s an immigrant doing it.


So more child killers is what we need is it?

It’s more of a need in reduction of fear and greed driven individuals, bereft of a sense of empathy, compassion and charity using sporadic incidents involving non-nationals, often as a result of a dysfunctional and neglected mental health infrastructure, to stir racial hatred.

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