TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I dunno this seems like a logical viewpoint

so Gript messed up but its not their fault?

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So reduce the fear and greed (whatever greed has to do with it), and more non-nationals with an inclination for violence is your solution?

The greed, I’ve learned from my time amongst the Swedes in comparison a common Irish mentality, is that we’re often quietly reluctant for anyone to have a piece of our pie. Non nationals are no more violent than our own. If you walk into Mounjoy, Arbour Hill or Portlaoise, I can guarantee you that you won’t be met by a wall of non-nationals. You’ll be met by your own. You’ll never know peace in this life, if you don’t let the disdain for those who are different from you go. It is the worst type of attitude that your own people had to endure as they tried to carve out a life for themselves in London not so long ago. We’re a nation with a massive history of emigration, which still is ongoing. We, of all people should know better.


Poland are of the same beliefs.

I don’t get your last point, which is used regularly. Because Johnny arse decided to head to America or Australia i have to accept migration into Ireland? Not that I’m opposed to it…but the point stands.
And most Irish that head yonder , famine aside, were not refugees nor entitled to full social protection in their destination countries. Those of us that have decided to stay in Ireland shouldn’t be held accountable for weak people who went to Australia, Manchester or Sweden.


He likes his women in the dark ages as well.

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If I may on this point.

The Algerians coming to Ireland aren’t really a fair representation of the country. They are a very select group, tied in to an international criminal gang who are taking advantage of our crazy asylum policies. They all have the same MO: arrive with a dodgy French I.D card, never admit it’s fake (they’re all exactly the same with the same missing security features), become aggressive and occasionally violent when challenged. Not a fair yardstick to measure the nation of Algeria.

I would say that the vast majority post famine times who left Ireland, eventually returned and I would argue that most emigrants would have been eligible for social protections in modern times, perhaps bar the undocumented in the states, and limitations on the working holiday visa participants in Australia. I’ve met a few donkeys along the route whose musings by Twain didn’t cover, but for most, it probably softened the character, in ways that can only be described, as good. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”

Not judging the nation of Algeria at all. More so, the criminal elements that are “refugees” have been long diagnosed as big trouble across Europe. Just pointing this out seems to be racist.

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I was just having a dig at you, @flattythehurdler and @Chucks_Nwoko really bro.

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Yea we’ve a sizeable problem there. Our system may as well have been invented by human trafficking gangs it suits them so much.

I see Mcjerk is claiming he was honey trapped


Sweet Lord, I never heard that. You shouldn’t be using it to make any point though. Four lives ended pretty much.


“We’re often quietly reluctant for anyone to have a piece of our pie.”

Based on what exactly? That’s not what the facts show. Immigration rose significantly in 2022-23, but emigration grew too – The Irish Times

On your point about prisoner demographics. Of course with current demographics if you go to a prison there’s going to be more Irish than non-nationals there? What would you expect, 100% Eastern Europeans?

Any slaphead sporting a ginger beard is a wrong one



Absolutely frightening.

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