TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Gript isn’t a journalistic endeavour so they might well name the source, which is obviously a far right Telegram group amplified by baldy fascist ginger beard Mick O’Keefe.

Naming that source will only gain them trust in their target market of incels.

How this fucking wagon is still employed as a columnist by anybody is beyond me.


Given our economy, it’s amazing how somebody wouldn’t be employed at the moment.

Seeing as you work there we thought you’d fill us in.

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You are by now unquestionably the dullest and stupidest poster we’ve ever had, your obsession with @Cheasty is frightening
He’s not responding to you, have you copped that yet :grinning:

I’d say it’s because she can be regularly be relied on to write anti republican columns.

You’re siding with a dole merchant, who accuses others randomly of sexually abusing their own kids. Wow, not suspicious at all.

If you said this is what will happen if you bring Islam to Ireland, you’d be called an alarmist and an Islamophobe.

Gript published a “massive exclusive” yesterday evening where they named an individual as being reponsible for the attack in Parnell Square.

They had to retract the story this morning after Gardai informed them they had the wrong person.

Gript are now trying to claim they were setup by a Senior Justice Department official and it sounds like they are threatening to reveal their source.


So you’re the target market then?

That was her schtick, however she seems to have graduated well beyond that to pushing a far right agenda. She’s writing opinion columns for the Daily Telegraph now. The opinion pages of the Daily Telegraph are like something from Dickensian times.

Thanks. I hope Jonny Arse nails the bastard. The establishment are very, very rattled.

It would be hard to make this case after his deranged rant last night.

The Musk Twitter deal stinks.

My bet is Saudi Arabia were in on it.

Arse was willingly lured in like an online paedophile chatting with an 18 year old claiming to be 12 in a police sting.

Gript are a propaganda organisation for arch-conservative Catholic ideology. They couldn’t be more establishment if they tried.

Is there any subject you’re not completely clueless about?

Twitter sued Musk to complete the acquisition. He wanted to abandon it.

Muh, Saudi Arabia, backed by Putin in a coalition with MAGA and Gript were in on the deal to help the world’s richest man buy Twitter.

For ffs

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I’m pretty sure PIF are an investor

You are a very naive person.

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PIF were investors PRIOR to Musk’s takeover. They rejected Musk’s offer. As I stated Musk tried to get out of the acquisition but shat it because of the prospect of disclosure in court