TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

A fair amount of Yanks and MAGA types amongst them

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What’s MAGA?

“Make America Great Again” - Trump supporters

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I was figuring it was sort of mma/wwf type thing I wasn’t aware off.

If you’d take some of the crackpots on here seriously for half a breath, you would.

So you agree your initial statement makes absolutely no sense.

Imagine if some of the cnuts came back. :flushed:


I’d say you are completely wrong


I actually missed that point he raised. Where the Christ is he getting any of his information from? He is like a teenage girl where his logic is just based on how he’s feeling.

Should be the end of Arse and Grift. Won’t of course because its target market much prefers lies to the truth.

I see you’re just up out of bed.

Not sure how you throw a far right Telegram group under a bus.

Just as unsure as someone who sleeps in bed all day yet feels compelled to comment incessantly on the failures of society, rather than go look for a job and actually try and contribute to society.

The fascists are taking this very badly.


50,000 undocumented Irish over in the States. Everyone of my mother and father’s side spent time in England. Vast majority of people were welcoming, you had the odd thick racist but shure even despite our history we have a few of them here too.

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A quarter of current Britains have Irish heritage… Hon the boys.


Can someone who is not an open borders/far left headbanger give me a brief rundown of what happened with the Gript story they’re apologising for, which story, the pertinent details. I’m too busy working, paying for free gaffs for anyone that arrives here to be internetting and filtering through the usual lies, mistruths etc.


He’ll hardly name a senior source? Even if the source has made a cunt of him here. He’d lose a lot of sources that way