TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

That’s the way it’s gone now. We have to appease everyone… You can’t even call them Christmas lights now… It’s winter lights now.

Im not sure which is worse here:
Angry racists
SF speaking out of both sides of their mouths

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Aontu were carol singing and collecting money for the red cross in blackpool shopping centre today. Not far right enough for me to break my scepticism of charities these days

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I told the missus I was going for winter pints with the lads from home and she wasn’t having a bit of it. Fuck it anyway.

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The local politicans are shameful here

Shur if we can convince the kids that there are 89 genders all requiring immediate corrective surgery, then reconvincing them that santa is teal should be a tap in


Can you imagine the type of self righteous, braindead muldoon responsible for this?

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Oughterard country, well well well…

A part of the country whose most noteworthy export is cryptosporidium.

What’s their problem with The Oarsman?

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Migrants use oars to row here.


The oarsmen were reported to be of military age.

@MountLeinster lot love the old mental gymnastics


@Juhniallio lot have spoken

Three and a half weeks now since the far right burned Dublin. What the fuck have the Gardai done? Fuck all as far as I can see.

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The rumour in far right circles is the Oarsman is going to house asylum seekers or refugees, not sure which. No idea whether its true or not but if it is good luck to them. Gavin Pepper and his mob were in there yesterday trying to intimidate the barman. I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to burn the place.

Arson has been one of their tactics going back as far as 2019. Not a word about what happened in Galway on the Brendan O’Connor show on the radio this morning.

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