TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Rabble rabble rabble!

But they are a rabble. The people entrusted with protecting democracy and decency in society are not serious about it. That goes for politicians, it goes for media and it goes for the Gardai as a force.

I smelled a rat when they published those names on the Saturday after the riots. They managed to lag in a few patsies, and made sure they published their names to create the impression they were doing something, while they allow the people who instigate this stuff to continue to roam free.

Eh… theyve prosecuted a load of them. What do you want them to do?

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He wants internment


Who have they prosecuted? Patsies or the ringleaders?

The Gardai are out of their depth on this.

I want the gardai to do something and I want them to do it immediately and I want them to update me publicly every step of the way.


Your post here is another aspect of how fascism wins.

We get gaslighters pretending that those tasked with upholding democracy and decent society are working away quietly and effectively in the background, when in reality they’re asleep on the job.

See the US for how it happens.

No I’m pointing out that your “what are the gardai doing I want public results immediately” comment is Helen Lovejoy-esque.

I expect they’re doing their best to target the ringleaders and I expect they’re still working to get more arrests on the riots on the basis of CCTV yet. And we’ll see yet how the courts deal with the thirty odd arrested and charged.

I don’t think our laws are sufficient to deal with a lot of this stuff. I do think the gardai need to be a slot more robust in dispersing a lot of these far right mob gatherings.

You’re deluded.

The people who burn down accommodation have been at this for five years and they all still roam around scot free. They all have active social media profiles. The reality is the Gardai have even enabled racist burnings.

At some point one has to presume the failings are not a matter of fear or of inadequate law, but that the real problem is there’s at best a total failure to understand the fascist threat, and at worst an ideological bias within sections of the Gardai where they are sympathetic towards the fascists.

I would disagree. I don’t think your hyperpole helps your case.

I do think there is an deficiency in both the law and in resources. The gardai as an organisation is not adequately resourced to do it’s job across the board.

You may have read after the riots that the gardai had thousands of hours of CCTV footage to go through.


People like you have been ten a penny for the last eight years in the US, baselessly reassuring people that the fascists weren’t winning and accusing others of hyperbole, and have been wrong at every turn.

Exact same thing is happening in this country.

Another hysterical post and more leaps in logic and a quick leap to personalised insults when someone disagrees with you. Would you ever grow up.

You basically alleged garda sympathy with far right in Ireland. I respectfully disagree.


Baselessly calling somebody hysterical is a personalised insult.

My analysis of your position is accurate.

You’re proving my point for me.

The Gardai have allowed fascists into libraries to cause chaos and they have aided the literal burning out of migrants.

The Garda commissioner openly seeks to avoid confrontation with fascists. This is the most basic possible failure to understand the threat.

Baseless belief that the state is dealing with the problem is a mistake that US liberals have made over and over and over again.

FF need to urgently deal with hatemongers like this in their ranks.

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They have. They stood off the fascists at Sandwith Street and just let them in to burn the place.

You’re right on a lot of things but you can’t be taken seriously when you come out with such nonsense. On the one hand you say language and truth matters and on the other you come out with exaggerations that are twistings of truth the far right would be proud of.


“aided”. As much a twisting of truth as the charlatons you’re so exercised by.