TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Standing idly and allowing fascists go in and burn all around them is exactly that. Aiding them.

You sound like Labane pathetically arguing over semantics after he’s been routed in a debate.

“I’ve won another debate”. Dumb rating.

The facts are not in your favour. You’re literally denying that stuff that has happened has happened.

Well when they refused to deal with the headshot enthusiast in Limerick I doubt it very much.

Stephen Kenny-esque

When country people take a mind to something there’s no stopping them.

Maybe politicians and the offices in charge of asylum should be talking to these communities and not dictating to them? 15 arson attacks, while completely wrong, might mean the current approach isn’t working, but shur, maybe it’ll just change magically.

Anyway, i believe jury’s in D4 is empty - load it up.


this is what the Dept said last week, where did you get the info that they wernt being talked to?

“The Department of Integration has made clear, in a statement provided to locals, that it intends to work closely with the local community to facilitate and manage the arrival of asylum seekers.”

"14000 homeless people and unvetted males being put up in a 5 star hotel in D4


The road to hell is paved with good intentions :wink:

To sum up for @carryharry - He points out that we already have laws to deal with inciting violence and hate… Dumping in protected characteristics with it is a bad idea and while he’s not opposed to governments introducing such laws he thinks it’s counterproductive legislation and won’t work.

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"My own take is that I doubt legislation like this does much good and may actually be counterproductive, depending on how it is enforced, but it comes from a laudable place. I think the Irish legislature has the legitimate authority to think through this issue and decide what to enact; what kind of policy to take. As a participant in that policy debate, I’d raise some sceptical questions as to whether this was necessarily the most sensible way. But I think the hysterical criticism of the legislation as evil and illiberal is completely misguided.”

I said much the same a month ago and the forum’s Marxist agitators became quite abusive.

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And he calls you a hysterical fanny :rofl:

The author of the piece?

He’s pretty much agreed with what i and @TheUlteriorMotive have been saying on this with months now. It’s always nice to see an expert out in a field vindicate one’s beliefs… But I wouldn’t let it upset you pal.

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It’s not just that Seamus Walsh guy either. There’s a Fianna Fail councillor in Moycullen called Noel Thomas who is openly whitewashing criminality.

Martin has to clamp down hard on this shit and it looks like he won’t.

These FF councilors have lost it… There’s one in Limerick looking to shoot people.

Tweedledum and tweedledumber :smile:

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You’re raging that an expert on this topic disagrees with you… It doesn’t define who you are bud. Chalk it up as a L and move on. No harm done.

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