TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Ah here. Some young wan from a youth group is running the country? What the fuck sort of nonsense are you spouting?


The puppetmaster :eek:

Some Fine Gael supporters have managed to convince themselves that Ireland, which has a Fine Gael government, is actually run by a shadowy Marxist cabal.

Reds under the bed.

Running the what?

Advising was the term used. Go 'do your own research ’ research.

Ive seen this lady appear on multiple different forums, speak in the Seanad and be pictured with various government ministers after some nonsense forum/ group think. She’s an expert on everything from climate to gender identity to justice.
… in fact, I’m almost certain she was interviewed at that climate thing last week by rte.

It’s the likes of her pushing to have ‘white privilege’ as a subject on the school curriculum


There’s nothing wrong with being an expert on everything.

Several of us post on TFK.


Jesus Christ the grammar and spelling there


But you wanted the government to consult with people?
Now when they do you describe it as a ‘nonsense forum group think’?
Seems to me this lady is an activist working hard to influence policy on things she believes in. That’s to be commended.

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I don’t want that woke Students Union rep running the country


Peppered with spelling and grammatical errors so it is.


You’re getting in a flap here if you don’t mind me saying mate.

You asked for examples of wokies influencing gov. I gave you an example of a lady that’s appearing every where…

I don’t mind the government consulting people but there has to be balance.

We had two of Ireland’s leading clinicians complain that the HSE policies and procedures on gender identity health are being activist lead instead of medically lead…

We see this ridiculousness in the proposed hate speech laws 'a gender other than male/female ’

Norma Fooley talking about teaching 'White Privilege ’ in schools

A load of imported American culture wars…

So yeah, consultant with people but maybe with people who are in tune with reality? …

Tho maybe my male white privilege has blinded me here.

Thanks bud :+1:


‘I done’, fucking hell

Former Munster ligind Alan Quinlan follows an interesting mix of Irish headbangers such as Mr Pepper above

Who is this Pepper fella? I’ve seen him pop up regularly. Is he a right wing banterist?

He’s some disgruntled salt of the earth type with an irritating Dublin accent


Too late. She has already taken over according to @Kyle.

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Pepper is a salt of the earth, far right headbanger.


Damn you, first with the salt of the earth reference.

Himself and Zeebs and who knows who else. Munster rugby is full of far right bangedheaders.

Good thing ive nominated him for coty