TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Gript telling you they’re fascists #36449

Was shocked to read that up to 10k girls in Ireland are affected by FGM. But that’s the new Ireland for ya now…

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Our current political class are cretins. Selling Ireland out. Jonny Arse and Ben Scallan the only decent journalists in Oireland.


You mean failed far right political hacks Johnny Arse and Ben Scallan?

Why do you hate journalism so much?

Rhetorical question obviously.

It’s the Irish we need to be ‘vetting’.


Drew Harris again proving my point.

Tullamore Jew :palestinian_territories: :ukraine: on X: “Ireland homicide rate vs immigration The implications are clear As a rational male concerned with the safety of women and children I believe we should ignore our preconceived biases and simply follow the data towards a better Ireland” / X (

Has he any chart for the einsatzgruppen in Gaza??

Don’t worry. @MountLeinster and his ‘citizen journalist’ pals will have them burnt out of there in no time.


Keep waving that flag, laddie.

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suck it up mate, your lot & all their citizen journalism took a beating here

Oh look .

The gutless one who hides when questioned is back with his/her/it/them/they/those schtick.

That pic of you and your mates triggers you something awful.

Like a candle to a flame.:grin:

Ireland definitely on the cusp of the far-right coming to power looking at those results

Put up Pippa’s chart to show us what seat she won there like a good lad/la dette


2 replies already mate?

maybe by the 5th one you might have a clamped me?


Go on, tell us what seat she won.

You know you want to😁

Paddy is the best of us… Called this 12 months ago.


Fuck Paddy. There’s many things Paddy doesn’t understand, supply and demand evidently being one of them.

Brilliant what Tusk has done in Poland by de-politicising media. America wouldn’t be half the shithole it is if they canned CNN, MSNBC, FOX, Breitbart etc. People just tuning in to what they want to hear as opposed to searching for the truth or being able or taught to read between the lines. Tusk’s intentions are probably good, but media companies are too powerful in most states to be taken to task.

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