TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

14 homeless Dublin families were to be accommodated in that building they burned down last week, but it’s ok because the communication wasn’t great.


The communication would help alright. I’m now starting to come round to the tinfoil hat theory that the whole shitshow is being handled terribly on purpose by FFG to cut the legs out from under the shinners.

No it wouldn’t.

To elaborate, do we start getting into the territory of advertising who the people living in a a place are? “This building will be full of homeless Irish people.” That’s obviously a wrong thing to do. Do we also go down the road of trying to head off protests or arson by emphasising building won’t be used to house refugees or foreigners. That’s obviously problematic also.

It should be simple enough to post security, even cameras. Or for the gardai to be sophisticated enough to see rumours circulating on extremist groups about a premises and to post a Garda at it. I’d suspect it’s not even locals attacking these buildings.

right wing nut jobs who are intent on causing & creating trouble burn down buildings

whats communication got to do with this? unless your implying its locals doing it?

Any local politician who asked was given the information on what it was going to be used for. Those claiming "there was no communication " didn’t do their job, or else deliberately chose not to find out the truth.

As if it makes any difference to the ultimate act.

“Now if they had communicated to us and it was still burned down then we’d be really annoyed.”

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There won’t be a building left with the cunts

During the 19th century… Any strangers/ non parish folk taking over a local farm instead of locals/ evictees - were brutally attacked and the land often dug up and house destroyed.

It’s great to see how far we’ve come from those dark days :clap:

Is he completely wrong here?
Homeless Irish families were and have been housed in hotels when necessary for years, I assume that’s still the case?

Fingal county is disgusting.

This Mick O’Keeffe fella seems to be on the ball


Yes, he is wrong

Very few of the protestors 2 weeks ago in Ringsend were actually from Ringsend and whoever burnt that pub I’d be very surprised if they were from Ringsend either. There’s been how many of these arson attacks? At least 10 anyway probably more and it’s most likely the same group of people and yet has there been a single arrest? Wtf are the gardai doing?

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150 palestinians
492 Ukrainians

4000 Nigerians.

Something a bit wonky that two war-torn nations having multiples less than Nigeria.

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If he’s wrong the reasons he’s wrong need to be communicated far better to people like me and treaty stones so. The government are aiding the rise of the far right by their inability to counter their propaganda. Most Irish people are far too intrinsically decent to turn fully against foreigners in some sort of outward way but there has been a massive change in general public sentiment and the government are doing fuck all about it.

He is a racist headcase with no support spreading lies on the internet. Why respond to his bullshit

The irish homeless figure includes people in hotels, i would assume most people would know that


Nonsense like this is always thrown out when fascists are on the warpath. In the UK it was apparently the fault of “the liberal elite” or other such nonsense that people believed lies, rather than the fault of the right wing industrial bullshit complex. In the US it’s the same. It’s apparently somehow the fault of Hillary Clinton or somebody that a industrial fascist bullshit machine exists.

Nobody has ever found a real way to counter mass fascist propaganda, when fascist propaganda proliferates finds market it always thrives. The only thing you can do is be utterly remorseless in clamping down on it and those who spread it. Proper media regulation is essential. Fascists need to be hounded off the streets and locked up.

Has any country tried that?

Perhaps you could point to examples if you know of them?

How would you “out-debate” fascists?

Serious question here…who will police what’s free speech and inciting hatred? Would you honestly trust any state body to do it effectively? How do you prevent it tipping into curtailing free speech? Ireland is a funny little country where there only room for a very narrow range of views - this could make things much worse.