TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Fucking hell :joy:

And we knew about him before he arrived

You following o keefe mate?

The likes of you and me have pushed a load of lads here into being fascists just by being a little bit mean and sarky towards them. It offends their egos and they decide to listen to the fascists for no other reason than to try and win arguments against the smug, smart lads, then they stay when they like the sound of the dumb slogans, lies and bullshit they hear.

Actual knowledge and facts and context and reason are now an ultra-elitist communist yet globalised capitalist conspiracy against DA PPL.

DA PPL know that lies are the only REAL TROOT that still exists.

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That’s shocking. I must give that well informed gentleman a follow.


Highlighted stuff we would have missed. Any updates on that young wan who is spokesperson for multiple NGOs?

Ainey Stokes is another great account for getting the real story


Fascists are setting fire to places with impunity and the Gardai are useless in the face of it.

If you want an insurance job done it seems you just need to start a rumour that migrates are movong into a building and youll have your hands clean


Durruti Dub on X: “It was around this time of year your brother Tommy broke into young family homes and stole children’s Christmas presents.” / X (

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The Irish far-right are world class experts in spreading misinformation and disinformation.

World class experts.
They can barely dress themselves.

eh, you religiously post right wing twitter pages on here mate - you are the half witted chump they target


If I was far right wing pal Marxist agitators like you would actually have something to fear. But instead I’m liberal and happy for you to indulge your Chicken Little-isms and big boogey man ramblings.

im not saying you are far right, im saying they target half wits like you


The only person whose strings the far right boogeymen pull are yours.

Fucking hell :joy:

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A right wing liverpool fam, @tazdedub or @MountLeinster perhaps?