TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Truest words you ever said.

I can confirm that he ran for the far right & got 200 votes

What did Leo say that is problematic? , a quick google says that there is no obligation in the Refugee Convention, either explicit or implicit, to claim asylum in the first safe country reached by a refugees.

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Dublin Regulations apply to EU countries.


correct me if im wrong @padjo but is the implication here that countries can send people back to the first safe country but refugees have no obligation to claim asylum there?

The Dublin system

Back in the 1990s the EU set about creating the Common European Asylum System in order to standardise asylum law and process across the whole of the EU and thereby reduce incentives for asylum seekers to travel within the EU. If they would be treated broadly the same everywhere, the reasoning went, they would not seek to move between EU countries.

The development of the system was largely driven by the UK in order to rationalise the Dublin Convention, originally agreed outside the auspices of the EU in 1995. Latterly referred to as the Dublin system or the Dublin Regulation, it is now a piece of EU law. Where an asylum seeker has been fingerprinted in an EU Member State but then moves on to another EU Member State, under the Dublin system the asylum seeker can be sent back to the first country to have the asylum claim processed there.

For example, if an asylum seeker reaches Italy, is fingerprinted then travels to the UK and claims asylum, pretty much the first thing the Home Office used to do is take fingerprints, check them against the central Eurodac fingerprint database and then if a match is found notify the other country and send the asylum seeker back there pronto.

There is no legal duty or obligation on the asylum seeker to claim and remain in the first safe country and an asylum seeker who moves on is not breaking the law by doing so or disqualifying themselves from refugee status. But as a matter of administration, one EU country can send the asylum seeker back to another EU country under this system.

There used to over a thousand of these “Dublin removals” every year from the United Kingdom, although the number fell over time and was eventually exceeded by transfers in by children to join families here.

They are to be replaced this year as the general view was they didn’t work and weren’t enforced/there were opt outs

I don’t think the point of the video is the content of what Leo said. That’s one of those pointless internet debating points which everyone thinks they are right on. The interesting thing about the video is that Leo clearly and inarguably said something was a ‘far right myth’ and your man proved that multiple members of the government had been basically peddling that exact myth. It’s not gript mans opinion which can be debunked by looking at his own past record etc. he used video of the politicians actual words to make his point. More of this please from both sides.

Here… Don’t be bringing up the real point of the video. Please stick to the Marxist agitator rules of engagement and throw some mud at someone… Anyone.

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Surely even TFK can agree it’s better to be a Marxist agitator than an arsonist agitator though.


both sides, nazis vs non nazis?

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The residents were questioning the sustainability of the premises and their fire safety credentials.

Good to see the greens and the far right cheek by jowl in Dublin 4.

Paddy midwit lefty thinks the country can take in unlimited third world immigration and all will be fine. Worked out beautifully for eh Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Holland etc etc

The asylum system is a joke, not fit for purpose. Let’s copy the Australia model. Turn one of the Aran Islands into Nauru Island.

It’d be so shit to live in one of those countries. Absolute shitholes. It’d be much better in Russia.

Why not go the whole hog and turn Inis Mór into Auschwitz? We could use Dun Aengus as an execution venue, maybe the Cliffs Of Moher themselves?

Not sure what Russia has to do with anything but feel free to continue brainstorming

And you keep brainfogging.

That’s definitely true. Over border is currently a shambles. If you try to come to Ireland legally now you might as well get the word “mug” tattooed on your forehead.

It’s a human trafficking paradise at present and they are absolutely thriving.

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Once the lefty headbangers are happy then that’s all that matters.


It’s got nothing to do with left or right. It’s about protecting vulnerable people. Returning them to where they have their original asylum claim, and therefore greatly reducing the allure of a trafficker is a start.

But we must also find ways of getting people here safely. It makes no sense having a Somali family scattered to the four corners of Europe. That’s no use to anyone.

Denmark has quite a hard line stance to immigration in fairness. They accept asylum seekers but only through official channels. So no rocking up at the airport there with no documentation. They have opted out of many of the EU’s immigration and asylum rules (the often mentioned “international obligations”). As Ireland could do if they wanted to.