TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I’m saying those people at the various protests have legitimate concerns that should be addressed. But they are not being addressed. They have every right to protest and good fucking on them. And labelling every single person at a protest as right wing isn’t terribly constructive. Leo and chums have been elected to represent the people, not just the ones who blindly agree with everything they say.

Public representatives and media types who play the right wing card at people who have legitimate concerns that should be addressed but are not.

You’re not dealing with reality. These demostrations are designed to incite arson on the basis of race and/or ethnicity. Everybody there is aware of that, that arson is what happens when the fascists don’t get their way.

That is not a legitimate concern.

These demonstrators are a shower of racist pond life, the equivalent of the sorts who burned the three Quinn brothers to death in Ballymoney.

So according to you, people who oppose the racist targetting of people are “scrotes”, but the arsonists are grand.

Nice to know where you stand.


The people attending the protests are voicing reasonable concerns that are not being addressed. There may be arsonists there but the vast majority there are not. Are you suggesting that they are?

Never said that. Butsure keep playing the man.

“This demonstration contained an acceptable level of fascist arsonists.”

That is some arrogant, know-all position to adopt. How might you know that? With such certainty…

There may be arsonists there. The majority are not and you know that well.

You call people who oppose targetting of the basis of race and ethnicity “scrotes”, while, you tolerate fascist arsonists demon stating as “legitimate”.

It’s very clear where you stand - on the side of racist targetting, intimidation and criminality.

I have no more time for arsonists than the scrotes who choose to turn a blind eye to legitimate concerns.

How many people does it take to arson a building, mate?

Its great that you are so very knowledge. More evolved than most I’d say.

You keep referring to people who oppose racism as “scrotes”.

Very telling, isn’t it?

No idea. Aee you saying that people can’t demonstrate because someone might set fire to a building? Who decides what’s a legitimate protest or not?

Once again not what I said. Are you just going to continue to argue things that haven’t been said?

Everybody at the demonstration was aware there was aware that it was a mob threatening arson if they didn’t get their way. Every such demonstration in Ireland now carries this threat. It is open and it is shameless. Arson is a long established tactic of fascists and the whole country is now aware of it. You decide to play dumb and pretend that the bleedin’ obvious isn’t the bleedin’ obvious. That’s another long established fascist tactic that has existed as long as fascism has existed.

And you are one ignorant cunt who presupposes to know what everybody thinks. Shameless arrogance.

You know what you’re sating, I know what you’re saying, everybody knows what you’re saying.

Have you been watching Eylon Levy and Mark Regev recently and modelling your posting style on them?

So you want such demonstrations banned? Looks like dictatorship to me.