TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

What I do think is that you feel thay you know better than every other person.

Ah yes, the renowned arrogance of being anti-arson by fascists.

What sort of arrogance is it when fascists get bused in and think they can decide that non-white people should not be allowed stay in a private property otherwise that property will be burned down?

What everybody in Mayo an arsonist or potential arsonist. Think carefully before you answer.

“Every other person”.

This gets better. You’re claiming to speak on behalf of the entire country now.

Now that’s arrogance, mate.

I’m not but you are. You have accused every people who attended a demonstration of condoning criminality.

You’ve already admitted the demonstration contained people who wanted to arson the building. Everybody at the demonstration was aware of that and just fine with it. How many people does it take to arson a building?

Anybody who attended that demonstration is condoning criminality and the threat of criminality.

That isn’t “legitimate concerns”. That’s a fascist mob.

There’s no need to be PC about this. I tell it like it is. Straight talking.

You have an opinion. That’s fine. Others are entitled to theirs. By law they can demonstrate. And demonstrating doesn’t make them guilty of anything.

More labelling. Leo likes to label too.

Is that like the joke about how many people it takes to change a light blub?

Lack of government control, engagement and communication is driving poor innocent people into the arms of the far far right.

FFG are tearing the country apart


Everybody at that demonstration was aware of the situation. That situation is that the owners of the building submit to the fascist mob otherwise the building gets burned down.

That isn’t democracy. That’s fascism.

We now have a major problem in this country because fascist propaganda is being spread like wildfire including on this forum where we have a group of resident fascists which you seem happy to be a part of.

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You’ve just labelled people who oppose racist targetting of refugees as “scrotes”.

Youse lot are the biggest labellers around. Everybody who opposes youse lot is a “Marxist” or a “communist” now, apparently, even Leo Varadkar.

Its all fascist propaganda is it? Are there any reasons for concerns at all? Even one?

Maybe there isn’t and maybe those issues might be cleared up by the government and media types.

The only legitimate concerns are the legitimate concerns of decent people that that demonstration last night was made up of a bunch of fascists who wanted to burn down a building if they didn’t get their way.

The irony is it was led by somebody from the United Kingdom. According to her own logic a hard border should have been put up to stop her entering the state.

I remember the halcyon days when the only time you’d see fascist on tfk was in a post about foam rolling.

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Great that you know all of this so well and can speak so coherently for people. Sure hit down to Mayo and clarify things for people. They’ll appreciate your insight I’d say.

The people last night spoke for themselves. Lots were bussed in. The leader of the demonstration isn’t even from the state.

What you demand is a crushing right wing political correctness towards racists and fascists and you demand that the legitimate concerns of decent people that fascists are a danger to peace and stability in this country be arrogantly and high handedly dismissed.

Should I have the right to demand that people living on my street, which contains a high number of rented properties, be personally “vetted” by me otherwise I get to burn that house down?

Where does this nonsense stop?

The anti-immigrant wannabe arsonist demonstrators now have fascist heroin dealer Andy Heasman on their side.

Only the best people.