TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Are you suggesting that an Irish citizen who has paid tax for 30 years should be treated in the same way as a complete chancer from another country (outside of the EU) that has no right to be here?

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I presume you’ll hand back any payments the state has ever given you given that you don’t believe in moral or legal obligations.

You and the government that you so avidly support might deal with the many valid issues that have been raised over the last number of months. But that won’t happen because its easier to label everybody with a dissenting voice as being far right.

Your post on real spending power today over the last 15 years was chilling. Not unexpected but I didnt realise we were that bad.


Like the rest of Europe, the Irish are waking up. The right is seeing a huge surge here and across the continent.

And what payment has the state ever provided to me that I would have to return?

You are suggesting that Ireland shut the door on asylum seekers. That is a morally and legally indefensible position.

To deflect from his own inner hatred, he directs this hatred onto everything else so he can live with himself whilst blaming everyone else for his problems. He is the last guy on the internet you should be taking seriously.

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I am suggesting that they are dealt with promptly and when the majority are found to be chancers, that they are immediately deported. No politely asked to leave mind you but taken to the airport and sent back where they came from.

I don’t support the Government.

I voted last time for the party which makes up the smallest part of the Government.

I’ve already seen more than enough from you to determine that you are firmly on the far right. You completely dismiss the legitimate concerns of decent people that you lot want this society to simply burn.

You are asking to be judge, jury and executioner. It is clear from your language that you do not even believe in the concept of asylum.

Where have I said that?

Do you even know what asylum is? :joy:

I don’t believe that the vast majority of asylum seekers here have a valid claim to refugee status. But I would like a robust system put in place to make sure that the few valid ones get safe haven here, having had regard to international law and various agreements. And i’d like them to act promptly in doing so.

Of course you don’t

Yes. It’s somewhere you should be.

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You see it in holland, hungary and its only a matter of think before AFD and le pen get in. Not so much moving right but the common sense as the left have lost the plot

“Racist scum”. You really are stupid.

Every body with a brain knows we need immigration. Just not taxburdens on the state looking for more freebies like yourself. I’ve worked plenty a site with Eastern Europeans, never had a problem with any of them and Ive shared many a pint with them too. Some sound, others a bit too daft for my liking. But all around, hard workers, that is something I can’t deny them.

I can safely say those guys have contributed more to the country than you ever will.

That’s not to even reply to your suspect comments in the past about children.

“Insanity is common sense”

The scandos, the most liberal cunts in the world, are even clamping down on immigrants/refugees. Hard working people across the continent have had enough.