TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Big in body, small of heart and mind

Leaves no doubt he’s an outie

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Thousands of people across Germany have taken to the streets for a fourth consecutive day to voice their opposition to the far-right populist AfD party after politicians from the party met neo-Nazis to discuss a “master plan” for the mass deportation of asylum seekers and German citizens of foreign origin.

Protests have taken place in Leipzig, Rostock, Essen and Berlin in recent days.

The AfD’s leadership has sought to distant itself from the gathering in November on the outskirts of Potsdam, west of Berlin, which was revealed by the investigative journalism network Correctiv on Wednesday. However, several party members were involved and have since voiced their support for the ideas discussed.

Among MPs to publicly express their support for the ideas discussed at the meeting was René Springer, a representative for the state of Brandenburg in the federal government. On X, he stated that far from being a secret, the plan was a promise the AfD would fulfil should it get into power. “We will send foreigners back to their homelands. Millions of them. That is not a #secret plan. That is a promise,” he wrote.

German media have not held back in drawing parallels between the Potsdam meeting and the notorious Wannsee conference of 1942, when high-ranking Nazis and government figures gathered at a lakeside villa to discuss how to coordinate the implementation of the Nazi plan for the mass extermination of Europe’s Jews.

Thr lefties are a dangerous bunch, who like to tell people what to think.

Lefties know best!

Yes Roderick O’Gorman is to blame for racists going on the rampage in the same way German Jews and trade unionists were to blame for the rise of the Nazis.

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Doesn’t fit in with the lefties narrative that they create

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Locals in villages & towns are 100% entitled to peacefully protest & be informed as regards numbers of Asylum seekers or Immigrants being brought into their vicinity.

I’d argue though, they should show Professional agitators the exit door, make them unwelcome from their efforts as they give them a bad name for asking questions in the first place.

Locally the community protested at the idea of a Hostel taking a number of Asylum seekers etc.
Peaceful protest, a local community meeting & lobbying of representatives was the plan of action.

Some agitators looked to influence locals but thankfully were unable to do so and told to get lost.

Some communities have done better than most, some have behaved disgracefully.

Government policy must also change.


Cheaper than taking them to the dump, the locals in Roscrea are shrewd


Mayo county council has voted today to withdraw cooperation with the Department of Intregation.
Game on now lads.

What a cuntish thing to say


It’s like it was orchestrated… Twitter immediately full of comments likening it to Holy Cross… Hundreds of random accounts all coming up with this unique take… Our own resident headbanger even made reference to it.

Every video that was posted yesterday the towns people were remorseful for the families staying there and said their protest was against the government… No footage of them abusing kids.

It’s typical left disinformation


Mayo county council are far right racists now

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy any update on this? Timelines are tight to have a replacement for Direct Provision in by the end of the hear.

Very nasty.


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On here they would be but not in the real word,Kyle.
This government as Harry said earlier,needs to change its policy and fast.Its causing serious division and hatred.
All Airlines/Ferries coming in here must make a copy of a passengers ID before they embark and must be presented to Irish authorities if requested.Thats basic and its a deterrent.
Straight away it stops the scammers.

A child would figure that out ffs.