TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Scumbag out and out racists influencing dopey locals and both getting done up a kipper by the powers that be over the optics doesn’t change the fact the government have made and continue to make a total bollox of (possibly) the policy but more importantly (and definitely) the communication around it

How many of our directly eleced representatives are over at the rave in Davos this week I wonder?

Did they take in any asylum seekers?


Big switch in the publics mood evident here.

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I’d be firmly against people roaring & shouting down Gardai and frightened children tbh.

There are elements driving that type of carry on and these cunts need watching.


I totally agree with you. Those apes are just looking to cause trouble and be paid for it off social media etc.

Communication could be a lot better though from the Government and Leo’s sentiments below haven’t helped matters. There is significant push back on this issue now across rural Ireland in particular and the government have to look at themselves for that.

The government used those poor kids for headlines and to try and get the moral high ground… The mayo county council were not informed of the plan it appears.

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Hard to credit them with being as devious but when you take a step back and look at it. That is exactly what they did.

You’d hope it wasn’t a conscious decision.

Hes right.

A dog with a mallet up his hole can see what they did.

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Thank god there is a sensible comment on here.

Youll still be accused of racism, despite my assumptions from your posting history that you are in fact far from a racist

Of course he is right. I’m in favour of immigration. I do think though the use of old hotels to house 100’s of young fellas on their own with no services in rural Ireland is a recipe for disaster.

I know that if I was one of those lads I’d go mad. Its a human thing. You have no work, no purpose, no family, no girlfriend/wife. It has to be done smarter than that.

Isolation like that perhaps without even speaking the language. I think its crazy.

Evey service going should be put to these International protection cases. I’m afraid they’re not going to get that in the likes of Roscrea.

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Feck imagine being any sort of foreign national in this country over the last couple of months. Scary times for them. You’d be thinking of upping sticks if you were in the position to do so.

Interesting article in the Sunday (Uk/irish) Times yesterday. While high earning immigrants are a net positive to the economy lads coming in to work in Spar are a massive drain and will harm the economy in the long run. Seemingly the Danes have the research done.

Here ye go…

I don’t see how this is in any way a reasonable course of action.

It’s obviously better than a non-peaceful protest but it’s just insanely selfish to lobby against asylum seekers being allowed to move into a hotel.

We have many with no accommodation and a real crisis, and yet so many people still think it’s acceptable to put forward arguments claiming this town or this hotel isn’t the place for asylum seekers.

I’m all for communities looking for more resources (and we need to vastly improve our local authorities in accountability and authority) and hopefully that’s where some discussions end up. But I find the “not in my town” attitudes across the country to be utterly shameful.


Easy solution. Stop taking them in.

Job is Oxo.


It’s a funny position you take, given that you were leaving here for Sweden and Spain at various stages


That’s pretty much what they want them to do