TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

The ironing is off the charts… For years we’ve had to listen to pontification and right wing conspiracies on nearly every thread… So much so that nearly all reasonable debate was destroyed on here.

If you can’t bate em, join em as the saying goes…


Most people are , or should be, left on some issues and right on others. That’s human nature… I find it very hard to believe anyone can be totally left or right without some serious want in them. We’re all hypocrites and that’s the complexity and joy of being human…

I agree totally on the likes of Blighe and others. They are hateful bastards masquerading as ‘patriots’ and what not. I’m not up on the law but can they be barred by the courts from attending all or individual protests or gatherings? I presume a court order can be issued?

He and his cohort are giving honest Marxist agitators like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy an awful name.

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If you stand way over there on the left then a lot of what you encounter will appear as right wing. I suggest you move a tad closer to the centre and things wont seem as alarming.


cc @Rocko

Can you see what lads/posters are posting the most links from Twitter?

Just to figure out the ones spending all day on it ( as well as here )

Gobshites posting links from x 24/7, a website they hate, its fascinating to watch

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Musk is the devil and they flat out on it all day.

Folk need to detach themselves from twitter, its very damaging.


Generally extremist fundamentalist types who don’t like people having personal freedoms and want the organs of power to smash all dissent. They are both the same really - Hitler’s Germany and Stalins Russia. Comply or die.

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It’s a good question.

I don’t know if it definitely attracts more dimwits. There are certain people who are very loud and repetitive on every immigration topic though. They probably feel the most need for validation and post the same repetitive “how dare they label my racism and xenophobia as far right” nonsense.

You have the odd bona fide racist like KK Ultra (whose Twitter/X account tells you a lot about the calibre of individual) mixed in with the depressing clamour for attention from the likes of Kyle which is as juvenile as it is tiresome.

There is certainly an emboldening of contrarian views from the chaos that is Twitter these days and it gets reflected here a bit. Fairly annoying to be honest and most sensible posters tend to avoid posting regularly in this topic.


How do i move from juvenile to bona fide? I’ve been struggling to make the leap.


I may go shave the head and dust off the jackboots.

There’s a definite shift in the profile of new posters. The forum did a great line in irreverence and contrarianism and wind ups but with a sense of humour infused. Now we have to put up with multiple really dim and bigoted posters writing the same nonsense without a hint of irony or humour.

I’d suggest the majority of recently joined posters fit this profile, I’d hazard a guess because they’ve been banned or moved on elsewhere. I’d say a lot of quality stalwarts have greatly reduced their posting.

Nothing worse than little fannys stirring up trouble with the boss.


Because of you and sid.


That’s a fact.

The pontificating and virtue signalling from snowflakes on how righteous they are is off the charts. They pretend they are aghast but are in reality delighted with the head bangers protesting.


Who is Sid?

I post very little any more, I must have frightened the shite out of you altogether.

Frightened me? You? :joy:… Your own sisters think you’re a gowl ffs

The damage was done yonks ago. You should take time to reflect on your own shortcomings instead of shifting this on to others.

A lot of these top top posters have called you, sid and a few others out in various other profitable side groups on telegram. (The nfl group is in unbelievable profit cc @Watchyourtoes )

This was long before any dimwit racists joined.
I’m only hanging around spamming because I’d be juvenile like that.