TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)


That’s a great relief.

The department of justice are lying here so when they say we’re not doing any criminal checks. Thank god we have you to fact check against these lying bastards.

I’ll pass all this on to my buddy with the swastika on his forehead.

They said the fingerprints aren’t ran against databases on criminal convictions on entry. They’re checked for identity. They didn’t say there are no criminal checks during the application procedure.

This doesn’t seem contradictory to me, it’s not rocket science.

I wonder what you think should be done differently here.

Do you think the likes of Afghanistan and Syria and Congo are uploading the fingerprints of everyone they’ve convicted of a crime to a big database, and that those convicts are then escaping prison and making their way to Ireland and claiming asylum and that if we had only checked the database we’d have caught a load of the bastards?

No. It didn’t.

Keep going with extreme cases tho and after i conceded those countries are a problem. However; Nigeria - Georgia, Egypt, Algeria , South Africa, Pakistan… Are all in the top 10 of people arriving here and countries we should be able to trust and verify with.
As prime time uncovered speaking to an Egyptian recently smuggled here - Ireland is seen as a soft target.

He’s correct and you’re just further proving that.

So are you suspicious that people convicted of crimes in Nigeria, Georgia, Egypt, Algeria , South Africa and Pakistan are coming to Ireland and being granted asylum?

It seems highly unlikely to me.

There’s a perfectly good database of all the people convicted of crimes in Nigeria, Georgia, Egypt, Algeria , South Africa and Pakistan but the gubbermint refuse to use it.

Did i say i was suspicious?

If Kyle Hayes can’t go to America then i think it’s only fair those coming to Ireland are equally scrutinized.

A fair system for all where it can be applied.

If you’re not then why are you bleating on about it?

Why should we give a fuck about Kyle Hayes going to America? Can’t he just go there illegally like the Irish have done for generations?

It’s important we check misinformation like the article you’ve originally posted.

I know shane Ross and Sid are advocating a nazi style of government think where all dissenting voices should be silenced but we’re not quite there yet.


If you could stop telling lies and changing the subject it might help.

The only person moving the goalposts is your goodself sir.

Can you point us to this database of escaped criminals from Nigeria, Georgia, Egypt, Algeria , South Africa, Pakistan?

Exhibit A.

I’m just going off your posts mate.

What do you propose we do about all the escaped criminals that are coming here from
Nigeria - Georgia, Egypt, Algeria , South Africa, Pakistan pulling the wool over our eyes?

Have you proof of this? You should pass it on to the relevant office if you do.

You said we need to check on all of these wanted criminals? You said we’re not doing background checks and you mentioned specific countries.

What checks do you want done on people from these countries that we’re not doing?

You leftists don’t half over do the hysterics … So far you’ve posted misinformation,misread posts, engaged in windmilling and moving the goalposts and now you’ve taken to making things up.

You lot really do want a totalitarian system in place as the mildest of challenges sends you into a spin.


I hear the government are going to pump money into building proper accommodation for refugees and asylum seekers thereby more or less admitting the policy of just firing them into hotels in random towns around Ireland wasn’t an effective one from anyones point of view. You’d have to think if no one protested they’d just have kept doing it.
Reminds me a lot of the approach during covid where they just made random sweeping policy decisions in certain areas and never admitted they were actually wrong but just tried to quietly change the policy. Very easy to make these decisions when no one is allowed question you, they don’t affect you personally and you are spending other people’s money.
We definitely could do with far more reasonable debate in this country where people are allowed express an alternative opinion or question policy to avoid scenes like those in Roscrea.

No that’s completely wrong. That had been decided a while back with the decision to end direct provision.

To be honest I know fuck all about it. Whoever I heard on radio one earlier seemed to be admitting the hotels idea wasn’t working out either though. It surely costs them as much to pay Banty and the lads as to build purpose built places to house people.

So absolutely no information at all on what checks you want carried out that you say we aren’t doing?