TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Only source of honest news though.

You have the same definition of “honest news” as the genociders of Israel and Russia do.

That’s macro. Think micro.

You’re talking gibberish. You choose to believe lies. Gript are liars.

I’d trust Gript more than RTE.

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Of course you would because you choose to get your “news” from fascist liars.

You’re very far down the rabbit hole.

Lolz, the oblivious irony of you. You’re far too too stupid to realise you’re stupid.

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And you trust RTE? The same ‘news’ station who didn’t report that the troika were in town (Sky News had to report it), who would only entertain stories on a soft landing, even though the dogs on the street knew we were fucked, for their ongoing lopsided, one-eyed news coverage that basically trumpets government policy.

You are very naive if you rely on RTE for your news.


RTE employ actual journalists so yes I trust them. That doesn’t mean there aren’t sometimes issues with RTE’s coverage of stories.

Gript are fascist propagandists who run puff pieces for fascist narratives.

The world seems far too complex for you and the awkward squad here. You seem to struggle with anything which isn’t lowest common denominator extremist sloganeering and you seem to spend your life in perpetual fear of imagined threats while choosing to ignore real ones.

It’s a very sad and pathetic way to choose to live.


There are very few things to be thankful to Gript for but in fairness it’s a handy way of identifying lunatics on here when you can see those who rely on it for their news.


From reading this site over the last couple of years you land on the wrong side, strongly and consistently. And go into overdrive in your premenstrual protestations afterwards.



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RTE report what they are told to report. They may employ journalists but please don’t tell me that they report the news in an objective manner…because they don’t.

Really? On which issues have I been on the “wrong side”?

Bear in mind now, you get your “news” from Gript, so your “understanding” of what the “wrong side” of an issue is should be a hoot.

What have gript done wrong journalistically in the past 2 years prey tell?

More conspiratorial bullshit.

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They’re not journalists. They’re a fascist blog used to push fascist narratives. Every single thing on Gript’s website is propaganda used to push fascist narratives.

Would you consider naming the wrong suspect in the Parnell Square stabbing incident “journalistically wrong?”


Refer to my instances above when RTE did not report the news in a fair and objective manner and explain how that is conspiratorial. At best it is incompetence but we both know that’s not the case.