TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I’d say he was the kind of lad who was taken out to do an easier spelling test on a Friday


€€€€€€€ in jersey sales masquerading as disability rights.


Pepper’s previous Twitter account is a hoot. He tried to develop a persona as an ultra-confident expert on world economic affairs. Despite his apparent deep expertise on inflation, the reasons for inflation, the way to avoid inflation, cryptocurrencies and the dynamics which either drive or hinder house building, he couldn’t spell some of the most basic words in the English language correctly.

He must have got tired of the persona and decided to set up a new Twitter account where he’d just abuse blacks and Muslims and gays.


Nobody seems to care about the impact to tourism. Spoke to someone with a small business in Lisdoonvarna and they have seen their business depleted over the past 18 months. That said they are planning to converting it to an AirBnB set up so perhaps that’s a silver lining.

Is it far right to say that these foreign nurses and doctors (that the left are hailing as proof immigration works ) need to be vetted more?

Would be some farce if a nurse and doctor didn’t need vetting but a fella putting out cones for the clonmel commercials u9s warm up does

Over 80% of doctors struck off over the last 10 years are foreign lads. Are they like the Indian IT workers who are forging their credentials?

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It’s worth posting that three times she made such a cunt of him

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Is it a language issue ?

You’d wonder why he’d share a video of himself being made a fool of. He’s obviously extremely dim. The far right crowd thing of constantly having their phone out shoved into people’s faces filming them is mad. I’m surprised they don’t get the phone whipped out of their hand and fucked out across the road more often.

Sorry I just got so excited when I saw the far right extremist getting exposed I just posted it without scrolling up.

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4 times…TSG posted it yesterday


Not sure…

These foreign doctors coming over here killing us… We’ll have to burn em out.



His face is getting ever more slappable