TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Playing the man against me is pretty much all you’ve done since you came onto the forum.

You’re objectively a turgid extremist idiot who spams this board with shite. It’s not “playing the man” to state the bleedin’ obvious about what you are.

Bye now.

You what? Are you a complete fucking loon or something?

There’s a pub somewhere missing its bore.


That’s a fairly fundamental point of journalism.

The old journalism.

Luckily things are changing albeit too late for Ireland.

According to you, journalism is supposed to be impartial between truth and bullshit.

So, according to you, a fundamental principle of journalism is that journalism should not exist.

What’s the ooft about?

No argument or cogent point made there my bootlicking friend?

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You got your arse handed to u there my gript reading friend. Take it like a man, move on and stop whining.

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Can you break that down?

In what sense did I get my arse handed to me?

Not an ounce of untruth in the interaction.

Are you remedial?

Independently funded journalism. No agenda.

Why on earth are you contributing to this thread when you’re not a man who contributes anything to the state you want to leftify more?

To be fair, RTE probably cost Gallagher the Presidency.

Plus the Fr. Kevin Reynolds debacle, falsely accusing someone of possibly the worst crime imaginable without proof.

That old chestnut is always the sign of a completely beaten docket :joy:

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Go back up this thread to when you asked the question 'what have gript done journalistically wrong in the last 2 years? It’s downhill from there for you, and if you don’t have the self awareness to grasp that i can’t help you any further


Fairly obvious which of us is remedial and which is not.

You clearly want an end to publicly funded journalism in favour of right wing propaganda while hiding behind the “independently funded” slogan. It’s a neat con trick.

Like how “libertarian” loonies talk about “free speech” when what they want is a world which is a wild west of lies and eats itself as a result.

The Sun is “independently funded”. It’s also a propaganda rag.

I would still contribute more to society than dregs like you if I stayed in bed for the rest of my life.

Go on, give us a few examples for a laugh.

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If I died tomorrow I would contribute more to society for the next 20 years than you would.

Hateful bastards like you and more than a few other posters here want to drag society into the gutter.

You keep saying you contribute but constantly fail to be able to produce one simple example. Typing shite all day on a forum is not contributing to society. And this isn’t hate m8. I’d love to see you open your eyes and get your shit together and do something useful. :heart:

The young lad working for Gript…Ben is it? He’s very good.

McGuirk is a horrible cunt.

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You have a swastika on your profile picture. Hateful bastard is entirely appropriate.

Enough about me, what about you? I’m here to help, not hateful at all.